Chapter 43 | The beginning of War

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"Everyone! Quick! We've got hostiles incoming fast!" Ann yelled out, bursting into the kitchen now fully dressed with her chainsaw in tow.
"How many?" Jess asked, immediately jumping up.
"And where from?" Slenda asked, standing ready.
"Too many to count and they're coming from all directions" Ann said, revving her chainsaw once she finished. I looked out of the window and saw what seemed to be an army of familiar figures.
"Shit! Wendigos!" I yelled, remembering what Future-Slenda called them. "And we got Shamblers too" I added.
"This close!? Why!?" Angel exclaimed, running to the door and drawing her sword.
"It's Zalga..." I mumbled in disbelief, but still loud enough for everyone to hear.
"Are you sure?" Slenda asked, standing next to me and looking out of the window with me.
"Confident" I grunted.

"If the Shamblers didn't make it obvious, she took a friend of mine hostage and she wants Liu back. It just so happened that that friend of mine just so happens to be half Wendigo" I explained, trying to think of the best course of action from here.
"Half?" Ann asked, her medical curiosity clearly evident.
"Future Slenda's analysis, not mine" I said, turning away from the window. "Fun little fact about this friend of mine: she's the only one who the others listen too, she commanded the whole nest to leave me alone" I added, trying to catch everyone somewhat up to speed.
"Future Slenda?" Masky and Hoodie questioned in sync, only to receive no response.
"B-but if you're friends, why is she sending them to attack us?" Sally asked, lightly shaking in fear.
"If I had to guess it's some mind control B-S" I said, walking back into the hall.

"Where are you going!?" Angel yelled angrily.
"You all stay in here, or find some sort of easily defendable position" I said, stopping outside the doorway but not turning back as I spoke,
"What about you!?" Masky yelled in worry.
"You're not sticking with us, are you?" Hoodie asked, her tone as monotone as ever.
"I went into the hive and came back in one piece, I just need some gear and then Daddy's gonna go 'mow the lawn'" I said with a smile.
"But your arm-"
"Is fine" I said, a hint of annoyance in my voice as I cut Jane off. "I don't want any of you to be in any potential crossfire..." I said solemnly. "I am not losing any more family, not when I have the chance to protect you all this time" I added, clenching my fists as Angel's insults echoed in my mind. "So please..." I turned back to everyone. "Let me do my thing, I don't want all of you to become a sad memory. Not this time..." I said, my voice breaking a little whilst I muscled down my emotions.

I watched as everyone more-or-less froze at what I said, whether it was in confusion or empathy or something else entirely was beyond me. But the silence was interrupted by the sound of a pistol racking, and everyone's attention turned to Hoodie who was holding a black Beretta M9. "Here" she said, waving it at me a little before flipping the safety and throwing it to me. "You're no slouch with a pistol, and it can't hurt for you to have one more gun" she added, tilting her head up a little so some light entered her hood, showing a warm smile on her face.
"Knock 'em dead out there, handsome" Jess added, getting up and kissing me on the cheek. "Where should we hole up?" She asked, noticing how enemies were now beginning to take up positions around the building.
"My room. Far end of the hallway with two entry points: window and door, loaded with weapons for everyone and you can hide any non-fighters in my closet or bathroom" I said, snapping my fingers upon making this very quick decision. "And you should be just out of the splash zone..." I said in a tone that was both cocky and somewhat ominous.

"Alright, everyone, let's move!" Slenda declared, her and everyone else following me and Jess out the door. But as everyone made it into the hall, I noticed that there was a lot of banging on the front door.
"Everyone, upstairs. Now" I commanded, reaching for my knife only to realise nothing was there. 'Shit' I thought, pointing the pistol at the door as I slowly approached.
"Check your pocket" Nightmare said smugly. Keeping the gun steady and centred, I patted my pocket with my non-bandaged hand and felt the shape of something familiar. I pulled it out immediately and recognised it as the Ballisong I stole from (B/N) forever ago. I scoffed a little at the thought of that douche-canoe before flipping it around a little to open it.
'Much obliged, I'm guessing you slid this into my pocket when I wasn't looking?' I asked, slowly creeping towards the door.
"What can I say? I know how to make the most out five seconds" he responded, referring to how long he can last outside of my body.
'Title of your sex tape' I joked, now only a foot in front of the door.

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