Chapter 4 | First patrol

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
I made it back to class with no trouble at all. I wasn't surprised since the 'main problem' had a bloody and broken nose, and was also unconscious on the bathroom floor. Thinking about the result of my 'work' made me smile a little bit in satisfaction. 'At least I won't have to deal with him for the rest of the day' I thought, now walking back into the classroom. I took my seat and Sally seemed to smile when I got back.
"So, social anxiety?" She asked, the classroom now filling with noise once again.
"W-w-what do mean?" I asked, shocked at the sudden question.
"You heard me, am I right or no?" She asked back, her eyes unmoving from her work.
'Well then, I guess I've gotta tell her... God dammit.' I mentally groaned.

"*sigh* Yeah. How'd you know?" I responded, very curious on how she came to such a conclusion.
"It wasn't hard, you were scared to be the centre of attention when we walked into school, and you used the obviously fake bathroom excuse to get out of class once a few people looked at us after I laughed" Sally explained, putting her pen down and turning to face me.
"How'd you know the excuse was fake?" I asked, wanting as many answers as I could get.
"You didn't drink anything on the way to school or class. And even if you didn't go at your house, you could've gone when we got to school. We were nowhere near late after all." She finished.
"Wow, that's really impressive, Sally" I admitted, I knew she was smart but that blew me out of the water.
"I-it was n-n-nothing really" she blurted out, very flustered. "M-my family members are really good at getting information s-so I just kinda learned from them" she added, still red but calming her tone.
"That's cool, are they detectives or something?" I questioned, still curious.
"Sort of..." She said bluntly.
"Neat" I said simply, leaving the conversation there. We continued the lesson with little to no conversation after her explanation. 'I hope I didn't offend her, I'll have to make sure she's alright' I thought after I saw her stand up and walk out of class.

'Strange, she normally wants to hang around with me' I thought, watching her quickly walk away. I stayed in class for a bit whilst I kept thinking as to why she didn't wait for me, I eventually came to two 'logical' explanations. One: I actually did offend her and that makes me the biggest asshole in the world, because I offended the one person who was ever nice to me. Or two: with her being the kindest and most beautiful girl in the school, she found some better friends and decided to ditch a loser like me. I wouldn't have been surprised no matter the outcome, but I decided to at least look for her so I could find out the reason. I stood up and once I got to the door I turned left, seeing as that's the direction she went it seemed logical. From there I did my best to search for her, since it was recess I didn't feel the need to throughly check any of the classrooms. Instead I chose to just wander around, I kept my hood up as per usual but I was still being as observant as possible wherever I went.

After a good five-ish minutes of searching, I saw her by herself. She was sat with her knees to her chest, her head left hanging between them. And she was leaned against a wall down a more or less abandoned hallway, and she looked... sad. I knew it, it was my fault after all. I took a deep breath and walked to her, there was no way I'd let her be sad because I was an idiot. I stood in front of her and asked "Hey, is this seat taken?" I motioned towards an empty space besides her.
"Does it look like it is?" She retorted, slightly aggressively and making me realise that I should choose my words carefully.
"Good point" I kept my response simple and sat next to her. "I'm sorry if I offended you earlier, I didn't realise it was rude to ask about your family or that it'd make you sad. I hope you can forgive me" I finished, a sad look now slightly coming across my face as I bowed my head to her.

Sally's head immediately shot up after I finished speaking. "(Y/N), no! It's not your fault at all, you've done nothing but be nice to me today! I'm sorry I made you think my mood was your fault" she exclaimed, turning towards me and bringing me into a tight hug. It had caught me slightly off guard and first, but I returned her warm embrace after recollecting myself. We sat there and held each other for a good minute before Sally realised what was happening, she then speedily pulled away with her face flushed a deep red. "S-sorry about that. I'm not exactly my usual self right now. M-my emotions are k-kinda off..." she said, trying her best to hide herself behind her hands.
"How do you mean?" I asked, quite confused.
"L-let's just call them... g-girl problems" she said, getting even more embarrassed and playing with her hands as she stared at her lap.
"What does that mea- oh... OH!" I said, realising what she meant. My sudden yell made her flinch a little and blush a deeper red.
"Y-yeah, y-you probably think it's gross, don't you?" She said, still embarrassed and a little sad assuming my answer.
"N-no! N-not at all!" I exclaimed, waving my hands back and forth as an embarrassed blush was plastered onto my face. "I-I mean it is natural, so I wouldn't worry if I were you. But at least I know not to be annoying today, you'll probably rip my head off" I rambled, ending with a small and embarrassed laugh.

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