Chapter 30 | Escaping once more!

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"Would you like me to show you were he lives?" I asked, knowing how to get Liu's full attention. Looking around, most likely checking if the hallway was clear, she leaned in close.
"Lead me to the fucker" she responded, an evil smile on her face as she unlocked the last lock on the door.
"Caaaaaaan do" I said cheerily, motioning for the Rake to follow before stepping out of the cell and placing my hatchet back into its belt. "Lesson one of taking a prisoner, don't let 'em keep their weapons" I mumbled to myself, quickly catching up to Liu who led us through the prison block and back into the main building. It seemed like the prisoners were kept in cells in the rightmost tower of the castle. Every floor had four cells and considering how far down we had to walk, they could hold at least 28 prisoners if all the cells were the same size. We walked for however long, probably about ten minutes, and eventually we got back to the main 'sector' of the castle.
"Both of you, hold your own wrists together. Pretend you got 'cuffed" Liu said after peering round a corner. I made sure that the Rake saw me do it so she could follow along, just in case of any misinterpretation. "Now stay close, and keep your wrists at waist height, don't need anyone seeing that you're out and free" she advised, before motion for us to follow.

We stuck close to Liu, and luckily for us the Shamblers gave us nothing more than a passing glance before carrying on doing... whatever it was that they did. We were good for about a solid two minutes before Liu stopped dead in her tracks without giving any warning, making me bump into her in accident. "Watch it, inmate" Liu said, giving me a glare that clearly intimidated the Rake enough to make her growl in my defence.
"Easy, girl" I whispered, looking back at her and giving her a 'trust me' look.
"Any reason you're not moving outta my way?" Liu asked to someone in front of her, crossing her arms and tapping her foot impatiently.
"Where do you think you're going with the prisoners?" A female voice counter-questioned Liu.
"D-block" Liu responded bluntly. "Got a note from one of the things that said take 'em to solitary" she added.
"And they just let you walk into their cell of 'cuff 'em?" The unknown lady retorted.
"They were asleep. And you two were just getting all cuddle-y, weren't youuu?" Liu said, talking to me like a dog as she ruffled my hair at the end of her sentence. I only grunted in response, trying to convey that I didn't want to be there. "Looks like somebody's got a case of the morning grumpies" she added, shoving me back behind her. "Now can ya let me pass, Zero?" Liu asked, seemingly just as short tempered than her little sister.
"Fine" Zero sighed. "Just let me know if they escape or something, I get the feeling that at least one of 'em's gonna be a pain in the Mistress' ass" she added, walking away with nothing but a dismissive wave.
"Fine by me" Liu responded with a shrug. "If that's the case, we just kill 'em" she added as Zero passed us, I followed her movements with my eyes to ensure that she passed before asking Liu a question.
"And how many more of those encounters will we have?" I whispered, mildly concerned.
"We'll be fine as long as neither of you give us away. Now hurry up" she said, hurriedly ushering us along.
"This is gonna be a long-ass walk..." I grumbled, knowing that at the pace we were going would make this take forever.

(Time skip because I haven't got a clue how to represent 5 more minutes of walking)

After walking for a bit longer, and with no other encounters, we finally made it to the colossal entrance. "Open the gate and drop the bridge" Liu said to a Shambler, clearly growing more and more impatient. But it shook its head in refusal. "No? The fuck d'ya mean 'no'!?" Liu said, clearly impatient.
"It means that it's not gonna let you, or the prisoners, walk out of here" a familiar voice said. As all three of us turned we immediately saw who it was. "You really think I believed what you told me? Pfffft, you're such an amateur" Zero said, leaning on the shaft of her comically large sledgehammer.
"I guess I shoulda seen this coming" Liu grumbled. "But whatever" she said with a shrug before walking over to the bridge and door controls.
"The fuck are you doing!?" Zero asked as Liu grabbed the Shambler by the scruff of his neck and casually tossed him to the side.
"What's it look like? I'm leavin'" Liu said plainly as she opened the door and dropped the gate at the same time.
"Oh no you don't!" Zero exclaimed, raising her hammer and running towards Liu.
"No you" I said plainly, grabbing Zero's hammer and punching her in the face. "And here I thought I was beginning to be ignored" I said, tossing the hammer to the side before she was able to get back up.
"Bastard..." Zero grunted, wiping some blood from her now split lip before standing up.
"Yo! Inmate! We better head out!" Liu called, now stood in front of the open door.
"Gimme a sec!" I called back, roundhouse kicking Zero across the jaw as she lunged towards me. The impact threw her a few feet back, and knocked her out in the process. "Think I should leave her here?" I asked, worried about what would happen if someone found her.
"Carry her out front, I'll tie her to a tree so she can make her own way back when she wakes up" Liu said, turning and walking across the drawbridge. "And bring the hammer! No evidence!" She added, yelling as she got further away.
"Welp, no time like the present" I said, picking up Zero and hoisting her over my shoulder. "Can you grab the hammer?" I asked the Rake, knowing I wouldn't be able to carry it easily with one hand.
"Okay!" She replied joyfully, picking it up with her left hand and sitting it on her shoulder.
"That's a strong ass bitch!" Nightmare exclaimed in bewilderment. "That thing weighs at least 160 pounds!" He added, equally baffled.
'Ever think about how tiny five-foot-something Zero carries it around all day?' I asked, walking out the door.
"HOLY FUCKING TITS!" He exclaimed, finally realising how strong some of these ladies were. "But back to the matter at hand" he said, collecting himself. "How are you gonna protect yourself from this Liu chick? Aren't you technically leading her to you?" He asked as we made it across the bridge. "Think about that for more than a second and honestly tell me that doesn't want make you want to walk into the ocean" he added as Liu used Zero's scarf to tie her and her hammer to a tree.
'Already got it covered' I responded confidently. 'She said it wasn't easy to just go get Jess, implying that she's not strong enough to take on the whole mansion on her own. But you know who did?' I asked.
"Yeah, and it wasn't you, bitchboy. It was me" he responded.
'And who's got a bunch of your powers now?' I responded, the scenery around us changing as we walked between a pair of trees. "Pocket dimension?" I asked aloud, using my thumb to point over my shoulder to where the fortress would be.
"Pocket dimension" Liu repeated with a nod, not facing me. "Now, care to tell me where to find Jess' boyfriend?" She asked, turning around to face me and placing her hands on her hips.
"Can do" I said, stretching out a bit. "I just need to figure out where we are first. And to do that I need to get up... that tree" I added, pointing to the tallest tree near us.
"What? Why?" She asked, confused as to why I started walking up to the tree I pointed at.
"I don't know where we are in comparison to the rest of the forest" I said simply, taking a few steps back from the trunk. "So I'm gonna climb it, then I'll probably know what direction to go from here" I explained, breaking into a full sprint towards the tree before climbing up the 60ft behemoth at an immense speed. After making it to the top, I groaned in annoyance since I couldn't actually see the mansion. But, to my surprise, I spotted what seemed to be the Rake's cave. 'If I can get to the cave, we can probably figure out the way home from there, we'll just have to make sure not to make a beeline for it. Can't let Liu catch wind of the plan' I thought.
"If you get to the cave, I can lead you back. I remember most of the way and there's a few other buildings on the way. If we convince Liu that 'he' lives in one of them, we're home free" Nightmare explained, being much more helpful than usual.
'Let me guess, you're itching to fight me again so you really wanna get home? Is that about right?' I asked, wanting to know how long this sudden kindness would last for.
"Something like that, yeah" he admitted, albeit somewhat shyly.
'Is there ever gonna be a time where we can get along without you having an ulterior motive?' I asked with a sigh, kind of disappointed that we couldn't get along.
"Maybe one day, kid, but... not for now" Nightmare responded with a sigh of his own, sounding almost like he was hiding some kind of secret.
'Well at least there's hope for us' I said, a light smile on my face as I worked my way back down the tree. "I found the direction he lives in. Follow me" I said simply, taking the lead.

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