Chapter 10 | A warm-ish welcome

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
As I was held against the door, I could see that was really hard for Jess to refrain from attempting to beat me to a bloody pulp. "Heya, sweets, it's good to see you're up and well" I said, trying to start a conversation.
"You're lucky that Slenda's taken a liking to you. I'd hunt you to the end of the Earth otherwise" she stated, ignoring the nickname as her grip on my collar tightened. I leaned in close to her ear and smiled.
"Even if you did, do you really think you could kill me?" I whispered smugly.
"I know I could!" She yelled, jostling me back away.
"Then how do you explain getting knocked out twice?" I asked cockily.
"Fuck you" she said flatly, letting go of my collar, pushing me back and crossing her arms.
"Oh my... At least take me out to dinner first~" I teased, making Jess turn bright red as she tried to find a response. "So, why'd you pull me in here?" I asked, cutting her off.
"Slenda told me we had to 'meet formally' and that I couldn't kill ya today" she explained, now regaining her composure.
"I'm guessing that means you can kill me another day?" I asked.
"Yep!" she exclaimed walking up to me and getting in my face. "I'm gonna slit your fucking throat as soon as you mess up" she whispered menacingly.
"Give it your best shot" I retorted, faking a yawn to try and keep up my 'I don't care' attitude.
"Oh trust me, I will" she said with her hands on her hips.

"But either way we gotta do this first" Jess stated, extending her hand. "Jessica Woods. Call me Jess and nothing else and steer clear from me unless you want your ass kicked where you stand" she explained.
"I knew the first bit, dumbass" I said, rolling my eyes before shaking her hand.
"What's your name? Slenda never told me" she asked pulling her hand away.
"That doesn't matter" I said flatly.
"Tell me your name, unless you'd prefer I beat it out of you" she threatened.
"My name isn't important for now, but just know that if you get on my bad side..." I said, grabbing her collar before holding her at a lower angle as our eyes met. "I'll be something that haunts your every step" I declared, my voice becoming more and more demonic with every word. "Is that understood?" I asked, a smug smile spreading across my face. Her face filled with fear as she gave a nervous nod. "Good" I said as I shoved her away and turned to her door, a light thud coming from where I assumed Jess landed. I saw an image of me with my old getup pinned to a dartboard on the door with knives and darts. "Talk to you later... Jessica" I said smugly as I walked out and closed the door behind me.

After getting to the middle of the hall, I was suddenly struck with a nervous feeling from deep in my gut. I could feel a murderous intent radiating from behind me as I heard a door get flung open, and it was pretty easy to tell which door that was. I heard rapid footsteps come up behind me and, as a defensive instinct, I ducked. An action that resulted in dear old Jess flying right over me. Since I hadn't turned yet, when she dove for me she flew straight into the door that was opposite hers with a loud *THUNK*. She went headfirst into the door and then hit the floor, with a groan she got up to see me stood in the centre of the hall. I was unfazed and stood still, giving her a blank look with my hands still in my pockets. "Are ya done?" I asked smugly, trying to retain my impression of combat superiority. She grunted in annoyance before lunging forward and swinging for me, desperately trying to land a hit as I dodged and circled her.
She repeatedly let out frustrated grunts and little remarks like "stay still" and such, clearly getting more full of frustration and self-annoyance.

Eventually, after taking note of the pattern she was attempting, an idea for a counter came to mind. She went for another left hook to which I leaned back, letting her momentum carry her a bit. When it did I grabbed the back of her neck and slammed her down into the floor boards, so hard in fact that it caused them to splinter a little. I let go of her neck since I thought we were done but, much to my surprise and annoyance, she pulled her face out of the small dent in the floor. I sighed in disappointment as I put my foot on her neck and pushed her head back into the little crater that I made. I pulled my gun out and racked it, the sound echoing throughout the hall. "Stop getting ahead of yourself, otherwise I'd technically become your replacement here" I said, quickly knowing that she understood me as she tensed up. "I recommend you make some improvements before we go at it again, or would you rather have one more match to settle it all?" I asked, keeping my finger off the trigger but still aiming at the back of her head. I took my foot off of her and she scrambled up to her feet. "Now scram, before I dump this magazine between your eyes" I said coldly, casually waving her away. She looked at me in annoyance before storming off to her room, angrily slamming the door behind her. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I holstered my gun, and as I did I heard some applause coming from around me. Looking around the hall, everyone was now out of their rooms and some were even applauding (Jane especially). I simply chuckled and continued to walk back to Slenda's office/room, with my hands in pockets yet again.

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