Chapter 9 | Meeting the Residents

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
I walked out of Slenderwoman's door and saw the first one to my right was relatively normal. There was a pink sign on it that read 'Sally Williams' and the head of a bear was painted underneath it. I knocked on it and heard a familiar voice on the other side call out "Come in!". I opened the door to see a familiar person sat at a desk doing what seemed to be homework. "Sorry to be rude, but can you make it quick? I've got to do this homework" she expressed, not looking up from her work. "The teachers still give me extra, something about having to see where I am compared to the other students. I've already been there for a week! This is just downright unfair!" She whined as I walked up behind her to look at what she was doing.
"The answer to number 12 is: Y = 12x -14" I said, reading the question she was stuck on. "You seem kinda burnt out" I added.
"Oh yeah, it is! Thanks... who are you?" She asked, turning around to see me. I pulled my mask down to show my face and gave her a little wave.

"Hey, Sally" I said, my voice returning to normal.
"Oh my god, (Y/N)! How did you get here?!" She whisper yelled.
"Slenderwoman brought me here" I said with a shrug
"Really? Why?" She asked inquisitively. I explained what had happened since I saved her from (B/N) in that alley up until this point. She had a sparkle in her eyes as she listened to the details of my story and she looked like she was being told the greatest tale of all time. Eventually, I got to where I was now and she was stunned. "I can't believe you beat Jess twice!" She exclaimed, seemingly very happy.
"Both you and Jane seem psyched that I beat her up, is she just a bitch?" I asked, laughing a little.
"Very much so, but I'm soooo telling everyone that you knocked her out with a frying pan" she said, giggling in her seat and clapping lightly.
"Not if I beat you to it!" I responded cheekily. "But either way, I'll let you get back to your homework. Who should I visit next?" I asked her, pulling my mask back over my face.
"I'd say Benny, she's just across the hall" Sally explained with a shrug.
"Alright then... thanks" I said, walking out of her room while changing my voice. I saw Sally wave me off as I shut her door and turned around.

Walking towards the door across, I saw a green sign that read 'Benny Drowned' and had a triforce symbol drawn underneath. I knocked a few times but I was met with no response. I waited a few seconds before knocking once again; this time the door opened a little. "I'm coming in, you cool with that?" I asked through the crack. No response. "Alright, I'm taking that as an okay" I said, opening the door and peeking through. My eyes wandered around the darkness, but eventually stopped at a flatscreen TV on the wall with The Legend of Zelda on it.

A message on the screen came up in a text box reading 'Wanna play?'

"Yeah sure, I love video games" I said before turning the light on and stepping in. Getting a good view of the room, I could only describe it as a gamer's wettest dream. As I shut the door, my eyes scanned the consoles that lined the underside of the TV. They ranged from new to old, along with different games for all of them lining the numerous shelves. I placed myself on a green beanbag that was in front of the TV and picked up the retro controller that was in front of me. I played for a little while until I came across a lake. I tried to carry on but the game started playing by itself, making Link jump in. 'Game over' flashed on the screen and the TV became static, a text box forming over the fuzz. I did a back-handspring and immediately got into a stance, but not drawing my weapons. 'YOUR NEXT' came up, filling the black box with words written in a blood red.

"Wrong 'your'. You missed the apostrophe and the 'e'" I explained while face-palming. Suddenly the text box fixed it's error and then disappeared, I watched as a form began to emerge. I saw two arms come out of the TV and grab it's sides, allowing them to help pull the figure out. I stared blankly as I saw a woman, who seemed to be wearing a female Link cosplay, climb out of the TV and stand in front of me.
"You're no fun!" She whined, stomping her foot and pouting.
"Wait... Benny?" I asked, her voice and name sounding familiar.
"Yeah, and you are?" She asked, crossing her arms underneath her breasts.
"It's me" I said pulling my mask down. "It's (Y/N)" I said, holding out my arms. "Gimme some love, ya dingus!" I said, quoting one of our more memorable moments. She stood there stunned for a moment before diving into my arms and tackling me to the ground.
"Oh my god, (Y/N)! You have no idea how much I've wanted to meet you!" She exclaimed, hugging me tighter and tighter by the second. "You're hotter irl than what I saw through the screen~" she teased, still squeezing me with immense force.
"Thanks... Benny... can't... breathe" I wheezed out.
"Oh shit! My bad!" She yelped as she let go. "But how the hell did you get here!? The author wasn't specific on what chapter you'd arrive!" She asked, visibly concerned. I didn't know who this 'author' person was, but I had assumed it was another one of her ramblings so I decided to not ask about.
"Well, it's a long story" I started, standing up. I told her the same thing I told Sally, except I explained what happened when I saved Sally as well since... well she wasn't there. She seemed really intrigued with my story and was focusing as hard as she could on every detail. After I was done she asked me a question. "Wait, you did that to Jess? And got her with a frying pan the second time?!" She asked, earning a nod from me. She began to howl with laughter and roll around in the floor as she clutched her stomach. "THAT'S FUCKING AMAZING!!!" she exclaimed as she started to regain her breath. I chuckled a little as I turned around to walk out.
"Alright, I've got to go meet some others. I'll see you later, Benny" I said waving as I opened the door.
"Don't forget to pay me a late night visit~" she said in her flirty tone. I only laughed lightly and pulled up my mask as a response as I shut her door behind me.

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