Chapter 42 | Calm day at home

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"Or are you here to give me what you gave her?~" Ann asked, giving me a look of lustful expectation.
"The first optio- HEY!" I interrupted myself, feeling someone slap my ass. I turned around to see Benny holding her mouth and trying to hold back a laugh.
"Got some nice jiggle back here~" she commented, lightly nudging me and walking into the room with her whole hand staying in the centre of my back. "Wanna do it?~" she asked, running around to face me after she closed the door behind her.
"Um... still here... in my room" Ann commented.
"You wanna join then?" Benny asked, looking at Ann with a smile.
"Well, I came here to grab something for Slenda..." I said, embarrassed at how the situation turned out. "So... rain check?" I asked, chuckling nervously as I rubbed the back of my head.
"You really expected me to believe that?" Benny asked sceptically, arching an eyebrow. "If that really was the case, why are you naked? And Ann's got her top off already!" She added, seeming kind of offended.

I looked down and realised that Benny was right, I was in fact bearing everything to the pair in the room. I shrieked in embarrassment and immediately covered my dingus with both hands and I turned my legs in, making my knees almost hit each other. "And there goes my dignity..." I said, feeling so much blood rush to my face.
"It'd be worse if your dick was small" Benny said with a shrug.
"And if you weren't so well-built" Ann added.
"Can we please stop?" I asked. "Benny, can you go into my room and grab me some clothes please?" I asked, absolutely despising the current situation.
"Hmmm, that depends. What do I get out of it?" She questioned, crossing her arms.
"S-seriously!?" I exclaimed in shock. "Isn't this technically blackmail!?" I added.
"Maaaaaybe... too bad, so sad" she responded smugly.
"Ann? Can you go grab me some clothes then? Please?" I asked, turning my attention to her as she put a white tank top on.
"Not happening, Slenda needs me to make enough Plan B for all of your girlfriends so I already have my hands full today" she said, opening a door to reveal a very meth-lab-looking side room.
"Fuck! Alright, fine. What do you want, Benny?" I asked, turning back to her as Ann went into her 'lab' and shut the door behind her.
"Sign here" she said, pulling out a piece of paper and a pen from her phone. She used the pen to point to the bottom of the page, tapping the dotted line a few times.
"What... is it?" I asked, taking the pen cautiously.
"Lookie here" she said, tapping the top of the page twice with her pointer finger.
"'A most formal IOU'?" I read aloud. "Really?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.
"Slenda had me type out a few of these in your... 'absence' so when you came back we could get a little somethin'-somethin', you know?" She asked, nudging me a little with her elbow.

I took the paper from her and sat myself down at Ann's desk. "If you grab me some clothes, by the time you come back this should be read through and filled out" I said with a defeated sigh. "Now grab me some pants, underwear too please" I requested, using my good hand to shoo her away as I set the paper down.
"On it!" She said, putting her phone beside me on the desk and cannonballing into it.
"Not even gonna ask..." I mumbled as I began to read through the 'contract'. And lo and behold it was an IOU with zero limits. It listed that I consented to: sex, committing crimes, doing chores, being a servant, letting someone else become my servant and whole bunch of other things. 'Should I...?' I thought.
"Scribble out things you don't want? Yes, you should always tamper with documents" Nightmare chimed in.
'Normally, I'd disagree with the illegal things you tell me to do... but this is a contract given to me by a criminal who lives with a bunch of other criminals' I responded as I finished reading.
"So...?" Nightmare asked.
'So it's fair game' I responded, scribbling through a bunch of the things I didn't like before signing at the bottom and drawing a little smiley face.

'And fold...' I thought as I folded the paper enough to fit in a pocket. As I pressed down the last part, Benny's phone turned on and she climbed out and hopped into the room.
"Here ya go, one pair of black sweats and some boxers that I totally didn't take a whiff of" Benny said, handing them to me.
"Sure you didn't..." I said, sliding them on under the desk and standing up.
"Definitely, it's not like I'm using it as fap material later" she said, half-joking as she waved her hand back and forth.
"Well, you're not the first girl to do so, the sniffing part at least. So I guess I'm just gonna have to get used to it" I added, picking up the paper and walking towards Benny. I walked to the left of her and as I passed her I grabbed her by the waist and turned her towards me before leaning into her ear.

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