Chapter 51 | Not-so-friendly reunion

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
'Time to finish this!'
"Time to fuck shit up!" Me and Nightmare mentally exclaimed simultaneously as I slammed my fist into my palm.

Before my enemy could move more than an inch, I was crouched low and had my fist held down to my hip. In one swift move, I launched myself up and drove my fist into his jaw; sending him hurtling back into the adjacent wall. "Heh, still got it" I mumbled smugly, cracking my knuckles as I spoke.
"And you better not lose it again, ding dong" Nightmare commented, most likely in an attempt to keep me from getting too cocky. "Watching you get your ass kicked makes me cringe" he added, my opponent now ready for combat once again.
'Well then, as the saying goes...' I thought, watching the beast before me dart forward. "Maximum..." I began, ducking a swipe that was aimed at my neck. "Eff-" I exclaimed, sending my fist flying forward. "Effort..." I mumbled, finishing my sentence whilst watching blood dribble down the chest of my enemy and splatter onto the ground.

All while I was now elbow deep in this monster's chest.

It took me a second to comprehend my situation, but when I did my stomach somersaulted and I immediately felt unwell. I ripped the one arm out of my opponent before covering my mouth with my other, doing my best not to throw up on this soon to be corpse. 'I think... I think I'm gonna hurl' I mentally mumbled, only for my feet to shuffle me towards the open dumpster.
"Just don't barf in the mask, I receive about half of your non-sight senses and I don't want any of the taste or the smell" Nightmare complained, my head now unwillingly in the dumpster as my hand involuntarily pulled my mask down. If the gurgling moans of pain from my victim weren't enough, the horrific stench of the trash was enough to make me vomit and line the bottom of the dumpster with a nice thick lining of puke.

I coughed a little and wiped my mouth before pulling up my mask, slowly getting up and turning around, but that's when I witnessed something I definitely didn't expect. My enemy's body was surrounded by a white mist that seemed to be lifting off of his body, and before I knew it he had burst into a plume of light. As a reflex, I planted my feet and braced for some sort of impact. However, all I was met with was a bright light and a strong expulsion of wind which thankfully left me unharmed. As the light faded and my coattails fluttered down, I lowered my guard and much to my amazement he was gone. 'What the fuck!?' I mentally exclaimed, the look on my face being one of complete bewilderment underneath my mask.
"If you think that's weird, just wait 'til you realise the lady's gone too" Nightmare responded, making my attention dart towards were the dead woman was. Emphasis on the was, since when I looked over she was nowhere to be seen.
'Have you drugged me? Or is this some sort of dream? Or what?' I asked, staring at where the woman used to lay.
"Nope. This is 100% real, here I'll prove you're conscious" he stated as I continued to stare, dumbfounded at how there wasn't a trace of blood from either of them.
"Ow!" I exclaimed, feeling a sharp pain and sudden pull on my left cheek.
"See? I pinched ya, so you're definitely still awake" he 'explained' as I rubbed my face.
'Okay, but how do I know you haven't drugged me?' I asked, now leaving the scene and retrieving my broken blade.
"Kid, you've never done a drug in your life because of your both conscious and subconscious resentment of your dad" he responded, most likely expecting me to understand where he was going with it.
'Okay, and?' I asked, putting the blade in my dump pouch and sheathing the remains.
"Trust me when I say you'd be struggling to even exist if I gave you some of the stuff I've taken" he explained as I finally left the alley.

'Putting that aside, I say we start scouting' I said, now eyeing the fire escape ladder. 'Shall we?' I asked, reaching for the top of the ladder and watching as two shadow arms extended to grab the top bar.
"Well it'll be harder to train if we don't" he responded, an irritated tone in his voice as I zipped to the top of the ladder.
'What's with the 'tude, dude?' I asked, steadily making my way up the fire escape.
"Well for one, it bothers me that you still choose to waste your juice on something that already has a ladder" he began, most likely in reference to how I was climbing.
'Good point, don't wanna 'lose' an arm again' I noted, not wanting to make his mood worse with an opposition.
"And for two I realise how annoying this is gonna be if you're such a bitch about dead people" he complained, with me now climbing the ladders normally.
'Is it really that bad to have a moral compass?' I asked, now realising this was something petty.
"You consider dead murderers morally compromising?" He questioned irately.
'You consider murder in any form perfectly fine?' I responded, matching my tone to his.
"Yes!" He exclaimed. "It's literally my favourite past time!" He added. "And in your case you're not murdering innocents, they're literally fucking criminals! What's the issue!?" He yell-asked, only to be met with silence as I was hit with this dilemma. "Yeah, thought so" he remarked, his tone full of both irritation and resentment.

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