Chapter 74 | A developing plan

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"MOTHERFUCKER!" A familiar voice exclaimed from outside the office, cutting mine and Dr Smiley's conversation short.
"SOMEBODY GET US DOWN FROM HERE!" Another person demanded, their words echoing down the halls. Given the sudden volume, both Smiley and Lazari were surprised to say the least. In their respective moments of shock, the doctor had once again dropped her papers and Lazari had effectively leapt out of her bed and clung to my right arm like a scared child. A devious smirk crept upon my face upon recognising the voices, and it took a lot of effort to maintain my composure.
"I'LL FUCKING KILL WHOEVER DID THIS BULLSHIT!" the first person roared, their tone full to the brim with rage. I covered the lower half of my face with my free hand, hoping to hide the ever-widening and shit-eating grin that was growing across my face. However, another yell down the hall was enough to make me lose my composure.

"SOMEONE GET US THE FUCK DOWN FROM HERE!" (B/N) yelled, a small bit of confusion mixed in with his anger. At that point, no matter how hard I tried not to, I couldn't help but laugh. I laughed and laughed as the trio of bullies angrily yelled out into the vacant hall, so much so that by the time I was done there were tears in my eyes and a cramp in my abs. After a minute or two, some teachers had came out to assess the situation and quickly rescued the damsels in distress.

"(Y/N)?" Lazari asked from beside me as I wiped the tears from my eyes. "What... was that yelling?" She asked nervously, looking up at me cutely.
"That *snicker* was..." I began, doing my best to fully regain my composure. "Those guys tried to- uhh..." I interrupted myself after a realisation. 'Since Zalga hasn't said anything, there's a chance she didn't know what they tried. And if she does find out, they're as good as dead' I noted, ultimately deciding to keep the truth myself.
"They tried what, (Y/N)?" Dr Smiley asked from her desk.

"Well, uhh... where to start?" I began, trying to stall in hopes of coming up with something convincing. 'If I tell a half-truth, that should make things sound at least a little more convincing... right?' I thought, silently hoping that neither of them had the ability to read my mind.
"From the beginning is generally the best" Smiley answered smugly, earning a quiet snicker from Lazari.
"Touché" I responded simply. "Well, the three lovelies you hear out there are the star members of the school's esteemed football team. There's (B/N): the quarterback, Pineapple: the running back, and Blueberry: the middle linebacker" I explained, giving extra context since the pair before me were still new.
"Pineapple and Blueberry? Their parents named them after fruits?" Lazari muttered to herself.

"Are they the stereotypical kind of jocks?" Smiley asked, not looking up from her papers.
"You mean bullies?" Lazari enquired innocently.
"If you did, then yes" I stated with a nod.
"Ew" Lazari said flatly, frowning at my answer.
"Are they ever reported for their behaviour?" Dr Smiley asked plainly.
"I've tried, nobody cares" I answered. "And even when people say anything, the principle just shoots them down. Can't let the star players have a bad rep, now can we?" I added sarcastically, earning a scoff from both girls.
"Did you try and back up your claims? The guys may be favoured by the school, but surely-"
"Of course I tried" I interrupted, rather upset at the mere suggestion. "Half of the teachers didn't believe me even after I had a black eye, so I managed to record another few instances of them beating me up. Can you guess what the teachers did?" I asked, only to receive a few seconds of silence. "Correct. They did nothing" I stated bitterly, getting a little heated at the memory.

"You got beat up?" Lazari asked sorrowfully, looking up at me with sad eyes.
"Given who-slash-what you are, it's shocking that you were ever harmed in the first place" Dr Smiley stated, setting some papers down and looking over at me. "Did you even fight back?" She asked.
"Nope" I stated as I shook my head. "I may be a top performing student, but we don't get special treatment like athletes do" I explained. "If I were to seriously harm one of the players, especially on school grounds, I'd get suspended almost immediately" I added.
"So you just let them beat you up? And you never got back at them?" Smiley asked inquisitively, her curiosity growing with every answer I gave.

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