Chapter 37 | A very Happy New Year

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Real World, still Third Person POV
"CoRecT, bUt doN't woRrY, MisS tAlL, whItE aNd SexY. We'Re haNdlIng iT" a voice spoke, echoing around the room.
"Nightmare" Slenda groaned. "Lovely to hear you again" she added, rolling her eyes.
"WeLl yOu'D bE abLe tO sEe mE iF yOu lOoK inTo tHe flAmE oVeR tHe kiD" he said with a chuckle. And he was right too. The large blue flame emerging from your unconscious form showed showed a clear image of Nightmare in the arena, sipping from a glass of champagne.
"You said 'we're' but it doesn't look like you're doing much" Slenda said, crossing her arms.
"WeLl wE bOtH hAd oUr seTs oF opPoNenTs" he responded with a shrug.
"He looks familiar..." Sally said, scratching her head.
"Looks a lot like (Y/N) now that you mention it..." Jess added.
"ThaNkS, SmIleY" he responded. "GlaD tO knOw tHesE coPyCat sKillS haVeN't gOnE tO wasTe" he added smugly, running a hand through his hair. "BuT anYwAy, I fiNiSheD mY fIghT aNd tHe kiD iS aboUt tO clEaN hoUsE wiTh thEsE CoLosSi" Nightmare explained calmly, taking another sip of his champagne.
"Colossi!?" Slenda exclaimed worriedly. "As in plural!?" She added, the worry on her face and in her voice becoming more prominent.
"What are Colossi?" Sally asked, a look of worry appearing on her face.
"Giant creatures, thought to be extinct. They're more of a class than a race, but they're, in short, much larger versions of things you'd find here on Earth. Some humanoid-"
"WhiCh tHe kId iS curRenTlY aSs-kiCkInG" Nightmare interrupted.
"Some humanoid..." Slenda repeated, grunting in frustration. "Some not, such as lizards or fish, along with other variations. However, they bleed black blood and can only be injured if attacked on very specific parts of its body, and those locations are different per Colossus" Slenda explained.
"YeaH, sOmeTimEs tHey'Re oN tHe baCk, thE aRm, lEg, wHatEve- KID!" Nightmare interrupted himself as his attention was drawn away from the 'lesson'. "tHis craZy sOnoVa bItcH..." Nightmare mumbled, his eyes full of astonishment. "YoU neEd tO sEe thIs!" Nightmare exclaimed, turning his point of contact like a camera on a tripod towards you and the action. The flame-screen the girls were watching quickly grew to the size of a wall, almost like they were watching on a projector.

Meanwhile, from (Y/N)'s POV
I felt a warm sensation as I was trying to direct my magic to my sword. Opening my eyes, I saw that my arms were covered in the same blue flames that I was trying to direct. Grunting in exertion, I pushed the katana even deeper as I felt the fire forming in my hands once more. As I tried to channel it into a point of focus, the heat in my hands grew hotter and hotter until I felt it coursing through my body. 'Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate concentrate concentrate concentrateconcentrateconcentrate...' I repeated in my head, putting all of my energy into in.
"KID!" I heard Nightmare yell out, breaking my focus.
'Shit...' I thought, flinging myself up to the top of of the beast. "What do you want?" I asked telepathically, turning to face the rest of my enemies.
"I saId foCuS tO a poInT, noT tHrOugH yoUr wHolE boDy" he said, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "I mEan, jUsT loOk doWn aT yOurSeLf aNd yoU'lL sEe wHaT I mEaN" he sort of explained. Confused, but trusting his pre-existing knowledge, I looked down at myself to see that I was cloaked in blue flames.
"Shouldn't my clothes be on fi-"
"On FiRe? NoPe, maGiC rEsiStaNce. iT's paRt oF yOuR 'uPgrAdE'" he explained, cutting me off in the process. "NoW, kId! YOu goTtA foCuS!" He yelled, doing his best to be motivational.
"Right!" I exclaimed, my powers now being charged with bravado.

Holding the hilt of my katana with both of my hand, I stood in a readied stance and closed my eyes. 'Focus it to a single point...' I thought, swiftly quelling my aura of fire before relighting my hands and trying to channel it into the blade. I felt my hands grow hotter and hotter and I opened my eyes to see that my hands and the hilt were coated in flame. 'Not good enough' I thought, stopping my magic and taking a deep breath. I was going to try again, but seconds before I closed my eyes I watched as my original giant enemy was now wielding his and his teammate's weapons and he was bringing them both in from the sides. "Shit!" I exclaimed, jumping up to avoid the impact. As I soared up, I felt one of the bats clip the heel of my shoe and causing me to tumble slightly. "Oh fuUUUUUCK!" I yelled, that slight tumble turning into me plummeting straight to the ground. I looked around me in a panic, hoping to see something I could grab.

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