Chapter 33 | Chronal Shift

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(Y/N)'s POV
"(Y/N), the torture room is ready" Slenda said, her arms folded behind her back.
"Thanks, gorgeous" I said, trying to get up despite almost everyone being on top of me. "Y'all mind if I get up? I need to get changed now that I think about it... maybe some of you wanna join?" I asked, only for every girl to hop up and offer me a hand. "Sorry, ladies, I was joking about that last bit" I said, stifling a laugh as I stood up. "But, whether I end up returning to my own timeline or not, you'll all get your own 'personal serving' when you get your chance" I said with a wink before slinging Liu over my shoulder and walking off to the basement. "Walk with me, Slenda" I said, motioning for her to follow. What I didn't expect however was for her to interlock our arms as we walked away from the group.
"Was she always that docile and obedient?" I heard Jill say as we walked.
"Judging from our whip marks, I'd say no" Jax responded.
"It's that dynamite dick of his" Jess 'explained'. "Seriously, that magic wand could make any of us do what he asked" she expanded, much to the joy of my ego.
"From what I heard that night, what she's saying may have some merit" Slenda said telepathically.
"Well you've yet to find out, Miss Tall, White and Sexy" I said smugly.
"I think I've waited long enough" Slenda said as we turned the corner together.

The second we were out of everyone's view, Slenda used her tentacles to take Liu from my hands and pin me against the wall. "Do you know how long I've waited, (Y/N)?" She asked, leaning close and pulling my mask down as we heard everyone leave the kitchen and go into the living room.
"About... three years was it?" I asked, not sure what she was referring too.
"Not just the three years, my precious (Y/N), I've been waiting since before we even met~" she said seductively, trailing her finger from my chin, down my chest and then stopped at my belt line. "May I?~" she whispered in my ear, tugging lightly at my pants with her left hand as her right rubbed my crotch.
"*gulp* As much as I'd like to say yes... There's a current order that takes priority..." I said nervously, nodding towards Liu who was now sprawled out on the floor.
"*sigh* Such a shame, and I was looking forward to that 'dynamite dick' too..." Slenda said, with a lot of dissatisfaction in her voice as she respectfully stopped her movements.
"S-sorry..." I said as Slenda let me go. "If it'll make you feel better, when I get back to my time I'll do my best to make sure that you're the first one to get some" I said with a wink as I went to pick Liu back up.
"And if you don't return?" She asked, interlocking our arms once again.
"Well then, you will be the first one to get some" I whispered, leaning up towards her ear and using the same tone I did with Jess. And from the smile on her face, it definitely looked like it worked.
"I'll be holding you too that" Slenda said with a cute giggle.

After that we made our way down the next hall until we reached the metal door, which still, funnily enough, had the dent from when 'I' knocked it off its hinges. "Good times" Nightmare said smugly.
'For you maybe, that shit hurt me' I said, still bitter about the whole situation.
"We left that as a sort of memento to you, you left on the day we were gonna fix it and... we never got around to it..." Slenda said sorrowfully. Not wanting to uphold the sad tone, I used a flaming foot to kick the dent back into place before opening the door for Slenda.
"And like the broken hearts of the house, it should be fixed now" I said cheerily. "Ladies first" I added, opening the door and taking a bow before Slenda.
"Oh my~. Such a gentleman" Slenda said, her sorrowful frown turning into a goofy smile as she stepped across the threshold. "Shall we?" Slenda asked, offering her arm once again.
"M'lady, we certainly shall" I said, slinging Liu back over my shoulder before taking Slenda by the arm.

As we walked down the the stone stairs of Liu began to stir once again and once we got the the bottom she finally awoke. "H-hey! What's going on- WOAH!" She got cut off by me tossing her in the chair and Slenda strapping down her wrists, ankles and neck with her tentacles.
"Well that's oddly familiar" I remarked, walking over and setting up the actual belt-like straps. "Although I think a torture chair works better than a wall, wouldn't you say?" I asked, looking to Slenda who gave a nod in response. After turning back to Liu, a smug smile made its way onto my face after noticing the look of fear and worry plastered on her face.

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