Chapter 5 | Vigilante work

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
I leapt at a ledge outside of a window and grabbed on tight. The ledge was too small for me to pull myself up, so I paused for a moment before deciding on my next move. My plan was to shimmy, lots and lots of shimmying. As I shimmied my way along people's windowsills, a thought occurred. 'Maybe I should get some gloves that have some grip on them... I might end up flat otherwise' I thought, the last part coming into my head as I looked down. While I wasn't very far up the building, I was starting from above the height of an average house and I did manage to clamber up a few floors. So I was at a fair height and with a fall from here... the vigilante would go out with a splat, especially since I was now around corner from my original jump onto the building. Meaning that there was no way I could land back on a roof. But this corner wasn't all bad, I saw a fire escape that was at the other end of this face of the building. 'Time to shimmy... POWER SHIMMY' I thought, giggling to myself a little at the concept.

But as I was mid-shimmy, I noticed a smashed window next to the fire escape. On a floor this high, there was no way that can be good. 'Well then, time to actually do the work I came to do' I thought, hoping I wouldn't have to avenge anyone's death. 'Better not let this person potentially die' I mentally added, finally getting onto the fire escape. Now standing on it and getting a good look, the break seemed to be unnatural. 'Did someone dive through?' I thought. I peered down to the street and saw that there was no one on the sidewalk, or at least not splattered against it. I breathed in sharply and took a few steps back. 'Here goes nothing' I thought. I darted forward, jumped up and grabbed a vertical bar that was attached to the building and the fire escape. I then used my momentum to swing through where the shatter was made. I kept my body straight as to not get cut or tear my clothes and sure enough, it worked and I landed on my feet. My landing wasn't particularly quiet on account of glass getting crushed under my shoes, but my noise was drowned out by the terrified screaming of, who I assumed was, the owner of the apartment. And he sounded like he was just a few rooms across.

I wasn't sure what he was screaming at, but a cry of terror like that couldn't of been earned from a movie or game. Putting that with the fact that there's a window with a person sized shatter-hole, well that was evidently a recipe for a bad time. As if to back up my theory, I heard the screamer trip over what sounded like a pile of books or cases for something, but he had his scream drowned out by the sound of neighbouring fireworks... and some maniacal laughter coming from his direction. But that laughter wasn't from him, no, it was from a more feminine voice. But also not in the sense that it was a friend or lover laughing at his slip, no they were laughing at him... as he was terrified of them. I heard the laughter die down and could only hear the man lightly sob, I edged closer to their direction as the person who was laughing said a phrase that confused and worried me greatly. "GO TO SLEEP" they yelled psychotically, while I assumed they loomed over the man. I was confused because I recognised the catchphrase and it was from a murderer, but this voice was female and the phrase was said by a fictional killer. And he was apparently very dangerous.

As confused as I was, the catchphrase told me for sure that I had to intervene. I was moving at a fast pace but all while still crouched as to make as little noise as possible, because a killer like this could (and probably would) end me before I could even blink. My chances were already slim, but they would've been even more so if I got sloppy on this surprise attack. The door to the room that they were in was wide open and slightly off it's hinges, most likely having been kicked open. The man was cowering on the floor as the killer was crouched before him and had their knife pressed against this guy's face. They were about to cut what seemed to be his mouth, but luckily I was behind them.

I got into a stance and roundhoused the attacker, striking them on the side of the head. They flew in the direction they were kicked and forcefully crashed into a bookcase and even breaking some of its shelves. After hearing this crash, the guy glanced up to see me looking at who I now saw as definitely a girl, but fit the description of Jeff despite her longer hair, surprising beauty and her... 'assets'. I saw the guy on the floor with a smile carved on his left half of his mouth, just like the Internet said Jeff would do. As I stood in confusion about this fictional character come to life, I heard some rustling and watched as my adversary struggle to pick herself up. And then I realised that she wasn't done with her job. It's said that victims would be left with a smile carved into their face and they'd have their eyelids missing, normally cut or burnt off. This guy had a few cuts on his body, but he kept his eyelids and only had the previously mentioned half smile. He was trembling in terror where he sat, but there was no way I'd let him die or let this murderer get away. "I'll keep her in this room. Get out and call the cops" I said to him in a monstrous yet calm tone, as not to scare him but keep my identity hidden. He had a look of confusion on his face, but his body was unmoving. 'Time to be assertive' I thought as he still didn't move. "GO. NOW! CALL THE POLICE!" I ordered, my demonic tone becoming deeper and somewhat distorted.

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