Chapter 19 | Taking some control...

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
As Angel laughed in my face about the death of my sister, and after blaming it on me, I simply wasn't going to let that slide. We were only a few inches apart as she kept taunting me. So I did the first thing that came to mind, I headbutted her.

I headbutted her really fucking hard.

A satisfying crunch was let out upon contact, and Angel held her nose as blood streamed out. "You say that I'm all talk, but really you're the one who's all bark and no bite" I said to the furious girl in front of me. "I was just trying to have a little bit of fun before... but why don't we see what happened if I actually try?" I asked, my mouth forming into an evil smile as I spoke.
"I dare you" Angel growled, grabbing her sword and getting into a stance.
"Hey, Slenda? Care to declare round two?" I asked as I walked backwards into my corner, my eyes never leaving Angel who backed up to her own corner.
"Hmm? Oh, yes of course" Slenda said, snapping out of whatever trance she was in. She waited for both me and Angel to get into our corners before repeating what she did before round one. As soon as her arm came down, Angel rushed at me with her sword raised as I stood completely still and looked to my feet.

3rd Person POV
As Angel came up to you and brought her sword down towards your shoulder, the entire crowd as well as Angel herself were shocked to see that you had caught the the blade, stopping it millimetres from your scalp despite deeply cutting into your palm and leaving a burning pain. Prying the sword out of your grip, Angel jumped back as your head rose and your eyes met. Your eyes began to flash and change to multiple different colours repeatedly. Your sclerae remained white, but your pupils rapidly swapped from blue, to yellow, to purple, to orange and finally to black. As the change halted, the rest of your eye turned black in turn. This caused Angel's angry scowl to become a look of confusion, and slight worry, as you continued to smile evilly. You walked closer as you let out a distorted and psychotic laugh, striking fear into everyone's hearts as they remembered what happened the last time they heard that laugh.

"AnD nOw iT's mY tUrN, bItcH!" Nightmare declared, your control slowly slipping away. As your consciousness began to fade, Nightmare turned you towards the crowd, who were now all getting up and readying themselves to try and stop you. You looked on as the girls shakily drew their weapons, and looking at you with a combined look of fear, concern and contempt. Suddenly, almost responsively, your body froze on the spot. "WhAt tHe fUcK!?" Nightmare yelled out.
"W-we're gonna take you down!" Sally said, trying to mask her fear as she held a knife similar to Jess's. Nightmare let out a low growl as a fireball slowly formed in your palm. As the fireball was slowly growing, Hoodie pulled out a pistol of a sorts and aimed it right at your head.
"Move an inch and I'll blow your brains out" Hoodie said darkly.
"aWw, buT tHeN yoU'lL lOsE YoUr pRecIoUs lItTle boYtOy" Nightmare said smugly as his fireball continued to grow, despite him not being able to move properly. Hoodie lowered her pistol slightly at the realisation and the smile on your face became even more evil. Once the fireball came to a size three times larger than your hand, your arm twitched a bunch before raising to point the fireball at Sally. As it was about to fly towards her, Slenda stood in the way and held her arms out, as if she was welcoming the the fireball to come and hit her instead. As your arm reared back to throw it, you ended up slamming the flame enveloped fist into your own stomach. "SoRrY aBouT tHat" your arm moved away, showing no damage to your body despite there being a hole burned into your shirt and bandages. "I neEd a bIt mOrE seLf-cOntRoL" you said, your voice still distorted, however less than Nightmare's. All of the girls looked at each other for a second, and then to you in disbelief.

(Y/N)'s POV
"You know... I didn't know I could actually come in here and punch you in the face. You should've focused a little less on taking over and paid a bit more attention to holding me back, because... well look at you" I said to a currently face-down Nightmare, as I stood in the dreamscape with a smile plastered on my face. "You're on the floor, and you've left some stuff for me to play with. Now if you'll excuse me..." I kicked him in the head while he was down. "I have a bitch to deal with" I finished as the dreamscape faded and my focus came back to the real world. "SoRrY aBouT tHat" I said, moving my arm back to my side. "I neEd a bIt mOrE seLf-cOntRoL" I added with a slightly distorted chuckle. "By tHe loOks on yoUr faCes... yOu're surpRiseD?" I asked, receiving a nod from the crowd.
"Hot mamacita! You could grind meat on those abs!" Benny exclaimed in shock.
"What the hell was that!?" Jane yelled at me, ignoring Benny entirely.
"WeLl... what I diD wAs-" *THWACK!* I was cut off by a punch from Angel, forcing my head to jerk to the side. "OkAy, Angel, dArlIng. I juSt gOt fInishEd aNd I'm gonNa neEd likE, fiVe miNutEs to rEchaR-" *THWACK!* I was once again interrupted by Angel punching me across the face, causing my head to jolt to the other side. 'Seems familiar' I thought, bringing my head back up. "NeveR mind, wE're baCk in busIneSs!" I said, focusing back on the task at hand. Angel didn't say anything in response, however she did get into a stance that readied to strike with her sword once again. We both stared each other down for a few seconds, before rushing forward at insane speeds.

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