Chapter 71 | New information

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"K-kid? Is... that you?" Nightmare asked quietly, his tone full of surprise. "Who am I kidding?" He asked, chuckling as I took another step forward. "No one else... could make it this far..." he added weakly, facing me while flashing a pearly white smile. I gasped in horror when I saw his face. It was soaked in black blood, and his eyes were nothing but empty sockets.
"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, closing the gap between us as fast as I could. "Just hold on! I'll get you out!" I yelled, stepping to the left of him and trying my hardest to untie the noose around his neck.
"Really, kid?" He asked, smiling once again. "Wasn't your plan to kick me out?" He joked.
"Shut up!" I yelled, tears welling up in my eyes.

"You know..." Nightmare began, taking a deep breath. "I never really was able to find it" he stated.
"Stop talking!" I cried.
"My salvation. My reason to carry on" he continued.
"Save your strength and shut it!" I demanded, my vision blurry with tears.
"I never really wanted to find happiness anyway" he admitted. "I don't mind disappearing" he added.
"Please, stop!" I wept.
"I wish I died a long time ago" he confessed.
"Shut the fuck u-"
"It's for the best, you son of a bitch" he interrupted, causing me to stop dead in my tracks.

"You... wanted to die?" I asked, realising what he previously said.
"Yep. Sure did" Nightmare agreed with a weak chuckle. I stood in stunned silence, our gazes locked together. "That's why, before I finally go, I wanna do something special... or at least helpful" he added, blood and tears gently streaming from his eye sockets. "Listen to an old man's last request?" He asked, still smiling at me.
"Mhm..." I agreed solemnly, wiping the tears from my eyes before standing in front of him again. As my last step echoed out, he coughed up some blood onto the floor before speaking up.

"I may be dying, but only the version you know" Nightmare began. "Call it a consequence of all the time travel, but... the older one had to go" he added. "But *cough cough* that Nightmare, the one up there, is still me" he explained, nodding upwards at the mention. "From before we started talkin'" he stated. I stood in silence, wanting to let him get everything off his chest in his limited time. "He's arrogant, selfish, rude, and not much of a team player" he continued, laughing a little before coughing up a fair amount of black blood. "But..." he wheezed.
"He'll learn. If you did, so will he" I stated, resting my hand on his shoulder.
"Correct" he confirmed. "Don't rush him though. If you try and force the bond like we did, it'll be... fragile at times" he explained, sounding short of breath. "Treat him like you did me. Make it a rivalry... and a damn good one too" he added, smirking once again. "And maybe, just maybe, you guys can be friends..." he said weakly, his bonds all slowly crumbling.

As his restraints were reduced to dust, all the pieces floated away and Nightmare fell into my arms. "Oh wow, much more comfortable" he remarked. "Thanks for that, Author..." he groaned, grabbing my shoulders and propping himself up to 'look' me in the eyes.
"He always likes to make you look stupid, huh?" I asked, trying to smile through my tears.
"Hey, kid, I know I had one last request... but can I say some final final words?" He requested.
"Of course, t-talk away" I agreed shakily.
"Heh, courteous as always" he said, smiling as he gave me a weak punch on the arm. He shakily tried to get to his feet and, as I saw parts of his skin turn into dust and float away, I knew he didn't have long left.

We stood face to face and Nightmare rested all of his weight on me, using my shoulders to help himself stand. I wanted to look away, to try and stop myself from crying, but I knew I couldn't do a blind man such a disservice. "We were..." Nightmare began, taking a deep and shaky breath. "A stupid team to make" he said, once again chuckle-coughing. I opened my mouth to respond, but I couldn't get any words past the ball in my throat. "And while I'm not gonna miss your hormones and mood swings..." he continued, taking another deep breath after he paused. "I am gonna miss our little squabbles" he admitted, a chunk of his cheek turning to powder and drifting off.
"I'll..." I began, trying to hold in any wailing cries. "I'll miss you" I stated, quickly wiping my eyes again.
"Heh, glad I made an impression" he replied smugly. "But, while I'm technically replaceable..." he continued, poking a finger onto my chest. "You... were a helluva host" he admitted kindly.

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