Chapter 56 | The Boss

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"Is that something that can be agreed upon, Slenderwoman?" I asked, looking over my shoulder to see a faceless Slenderwoman stood beside Jill and myself. "Even if not all of my information is useful, I can guarantee that there's at least one little nugget that you'll be pleased to learn" I added, still hoping to get myself free.
"And why should I believe you?" Slenderwoman asked, her voice full of mind-numbing static.
"Because I'm special. So special in fact, that even you can't read my mind" I stated bluntly.
"No way" Jill interjected, her tone full of disbelief.
"It's true. Give it a shot if you don't believe me" I dared, confident in the mental wall I had up.

There was a brief moment of silence, so I decided to try and listen for any discussion going on between my two captors. And sure enough, they were in fact talking. "Ain't no way you can't read his mind, I'll eat my own asshole if he's rig-" Jill began, before getting cut off.
"I wouldn't make that bet if I were you" Slenderwoman stated, her tone holding a decent amount of surprise. "How are you able to do that?" She asked, speaking aloud once again.
'Holy shit!' Jill mentally exclaimed, adding to my confidence.
"I'm admittedly a little fuzzy on the details, but I'll let you know that despite you not being able to read my mind I can, in fact, read yours" I explained, hoping to peak Slenderwoman's curiosity enough to keep me alive.
"Bullshit" she said flatly.
"Woah!" Jill exclaimed surprisedly. "I did not expect that" she added.

"I know it's technically impossible, but I promise it's the truth!" I exclaimed, realising that I ended up putting myself in a worse position by dropping this fact. "Here, I'll prove it. Think something and I'll respond out loud" I continued, not wanting even more adversaries in this horrific game of Cat and Mouse.
"Fine. I'll humour you" Slenderwoman said aloud. 'Why did you come to my forest?' She mentally asked.
"Pure accident. Something I'll gladly explain along with my Zalga information if we can have this chat in a safer place for me" I stated, trying to reiterate the fact that I had something they wanted.
"Woah!" Jill exclaimed once again. "I ain't hear anything, was he bluffing?" she asked, presumably turning to Slenda as she spoke.
"I still don't believe you" Slenderwoman stated flatly.
"What? Why!?" I questioned, evidently upset with the result.
"Your answer was too generic. And I'm confident you brought Zalga back up to prolong your life" she answered, her tone seemingly as frustrated as mine.
"Fine then. Ask something else and I'll answer using extra details" I said, now wanting to simply prove myself as not a liar more than anything.
"*sigh* Fine, but only because you've intrigued me" she explained. 'Since you know my name, spell it out' she ordered, with a hint of smugness in her tone however.
"S-L-E-N-D-E-R-W-O-M-A-N" I answered immediately, and as swiftly as possible. "Pronounced Slender-woman. You are also referred to as 'Slenda' by those close to you - which is spelt S-L-E-N-D-A" I added, my entire answer resulting in her murderous aura lessening as I continued to speak.
"Okay, you gotta give him that" Jill said flatly, letting go of me entirely. "Even I can tell what you asked him and that's just from hearing his answer" she added.

"Okay, I'm stumped" Slenderwoman said, using her tentacles to lift me by the arms, legs and torso before turning me to face her and Jill. "How the hell did you do that?" She asked, folding her arms as she spoke.
"Yeah! Tell us your secret-"
"Jill you can go home now" Slenderwoman interrupted, clearly not wanting to waste any time.
"What!? Why!?" Jill exclaimed, clearly upset about being excluded.
"Jill. I would like you to go home now" Slenderwoman said firmly, her tone changing from subtle suggestion to explicit orders.
"Awwwh, man!" Jill exclaimed, clearly both frustrated and upset. "Why can't I stay?" She asked, folding her arms as she scowled. "Surely it makes sense to keep me here as backup, don't it?" She continued, her back-talk causing Slenderwoman's rage to grow. As the two continued to converse, I could tell that Slenderwoman was growing more and more irritated at the pestering clown, since the more Jill argued the more the tentacles holding me would squeeze and tighten in a similar manner to the way that someone would clench a fist.

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