Chapter 16 | A rude awakening

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(Y/N)'s POV
"Holy... shit" I groaned as I awoke. Sitting up and rubbing my eyes, I looked around to see that I wasn't where I should be. I was in an evergreen forest, with grass greener than I had ever seen. "This can't be right" I muttered, slowly getting up and walking over to the crystal blue river that was flowing a few feet in front of me. As I put my hand into the cold water, a laugh rang out as a blood moon suddenly rose. The clear blue sky slowly faded into one of blood red, and I was immediately on edge. Jumping back and scanning the area, I was horrified to see that it had changed to the morbid state of an abandoned battlefield; with something extra to boot.

Most of the grass was stained red from blood, only leaving a few dying patches of green. Organs and corpses lay all over the grass, while the river became pure crimson with heads both fresh and decayed lining the banks. Looking to the trees, there were bodies hanging as if they were strung up and left as a warning. "Is this your work?" I asked, pulling my mask up as I heard the grass behind me crunch beneath someone walking towards me.

Turning around I saw him again and he just looked at me with a blank expression. "Who... are you?" I asked, getting ready to fight. He walked up slowly and smiled a little.
"You know who I am, kid" Nightmare began, crushing a skull beneath his foot. "I'm the demon that your dad sacrificed you to when you were just a wittle kid" he continued, stepping closer. "But I think we've chatted enough for now, the girls are waiting for you after all..." he added, stopping a few feet away and holding his arms behind his back. "See ya later, shitbag" he finalised, flashing a smug grin as he drew a small circle in the air above his shoulder.

As the scene around me changed to nothing but pure darkness, I looked down at my feet to see shadows creeping towards the last bit of ground that stayed visible. As the darkness crept nearer and nearer, I nervously shuffled back. Only for this to result in me slipping and falling into an abyss behind me, watching the patch of grass that I stood on get further and further away as I reached up to grab it. "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-" I yelled until I landed on my back, and it hit something soft.

"WHATTHEFUCKJUSTFUCKINGHAPPENEDHOLYFUCK" I yelled as I jolted up and frantically looked around to see... I was in bed, in my room.
"Oh fuck!" I heard a voice beside me yell, followed by a thud. Looking to where the noise came from, I saw Benny on the floor next to a chair.
"Did you just... fall off the chair?" I asked, looking at the back of her head while she was still face-down. She immediately jumped up at the sound of my voice and stared at me in disbelief.
"Oh my god! (Y/N) don't ever do that again, you asshole!" she yelled, tackling me onto the bed and wrapping me in a tight hug.
"Benny!" I yelled as I was sandwiched between her boobs. "I need air!" I yelled while my voice was still muffled.
"Oh sorry, I got carried away" she said, letting go and giving me some room while rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.
"I probably gave you quite the scare" I said with a shrug, watching Benny inelegantly shuffle back and off the bed. "But what did I exactly do? I only got to see part of the time when I was breaking out of the basement" I wondered, scratching my head while I tried to recall what happened.
"You fucked everything up" she said, sitting back down in her chair. "You punched Ann so hard that her head came off, broke Jill's chainsaw, knocked out both clowns, kicked a metal door off of its hinges, used a fireball and put a hole through one side of the house, used my catchphrase against me, threw me through an entire tree with one hand, whooped Angel's ass, sent Jane flying with a single kick, bit one of Slenda's tentacles in two and swallowed part of it and finally, you grabbed yourself by the hair and slammed your own head against a wall until you were bleeding and put your head through it. Before collapsing and apologising" Benny explained. "Although I don't get why the author wanted me to recap when I was the one who got knocked out first, I mean the reader could just go to the last chap-" she was cut off by her chair flying out from underneath her for no reason.

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