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Monday morning, it's the official start of Jae En High's finals. Starting a new day, students are excited especially to those who passed the midterms.

Some new students came from different schools who want to continue their studies at Jae En for some reasons.

In the senior year, Chanyeol's class, the students went quiet when a new student came.

"Annyeong! I'm Kim Junmyeon. I came from Daeil Foreign High. Nice to meet every single one of you." He introduced. All of them stare at him as he has a very different aura. He looks so damn expensive.

"Another Daiel guy huh? Why are these expensive people coming here all of a sudden?" One from the class said and chuckled. They knew very much that Daeil Foreign High is a very prestigious school.

"Okay Mr. Junmyeon, you can take any of the vacant seats." The instructor instructed.

Meanwhile at Eunwoo's class in the first year,

"Annyeong haseyo! My name is Kim Jungkook, I'm glad to be here and looking forward to meet all of you!" He introduced himself with so much energy. He's very excited.

"Why did you transfer here?" One of the class asked.

"I, uh, want to meet my brother who is studying here." He said shyly.

"Brother who?"

"If you're interested in him just ask it in your free time." The teacher interrupted.

"Now you can take the vacant seat beside Nancy." He instructed. Jungkook looks for the vacant seat and went to it.

In the third year, the new student who came surprised a certain person.

"Hello everybody! My name is Park Chaeyoung, I came from Australia, and let's be friends!" She introduced excitedly.

The name went familiar to some -- the maknaes and Nayeon. Jin just froze in his seat and Nayeon noticed how uncomfortable her seatmate is.

"C-Chayeoung?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Uhhm, yeah? Why?" The new arrived Chaeyoung said confused.

"My name is Chaeyoung too. If you don't mind, kindly change your name to avoid confusion."

"Oh, okay. Call me Rosé, then. It's my name in Australia." She said.

"Okay okay, you can now take any vacant seat so we can start our lecture right away." Teacher Jihyo instructed.

"Uhm... if this ain't too much to ask, can I have my seat beside Kim Seokjin?" Rosé asked the teacher.

The class look at her confused.

"Yah, can't you see he's sitting with someone? Is his seatmate an invisible person to you?" Tzuyu spoke.

"Ms. Park, just why do you want to sit beside Mr. Seokjin?" Teacher Jihyo asked.

"Because he's my boyfriend."

"What?!" The class started to murmur. Jin is also surprised by what she said and Nayeon just felt a bit of a sting in her heart.

"Class, quiet." Jihyo shushed the class. "Listen Ms. Park, that still doesn't necessarily mean that you can just ask--"

"Excuse me, Teacher? I'll just move out from this seat." Nayeon interrupted that surprises more the class, especially Jin.

"Uhm, you can sit here if you want," Nayeon said looking at the new student. She got her things and moved to the vacant seat, which is beside Bae Joohyun. As much as she doesn't want to sit beside her, she doesn't have a choice.

"Thank you." Rosé said then went to sit beside Jin.

Nayeon fixed her things on her seat,

"I can't believe you just gave your man to that new student just because she said he is her boyfriend," Joohyun whispered to her.

Nayeon looks at her. "My what?" She sighed. "He's not my man, as if you didn't know what happened."

Joohyun chuckled. "Come on, he likes you. Stop being blind."

"I know."


"Just don't talk about it, unless you still like him."

"Nah, I moved on and I never like him, that was just for reputation," Joohyun said.

Joohyun's behavior the past days have been surprising to some of the students. She has been quiet lately and being responsible. She isn't the same Joohyun before who was a bully. No one knows why.

The lecture went on in the morning and there was a break.

Jin furiously brought the new student to a secluded area in the school.

"Seokjin, what's with the attitude?! Is this how you greet me after all the years?!" Rosé exclaimed.

"There's nothing wrong coming here, okay? Just why did you introduce yourself as my girlfriend?"

"Are you mad about it? I remember about us being in love with each other before I went to Australia."

"Exactly! You went to Australia without saying goodbye to me when I expected us to be together! Do you know how much that hurt me? You left me without a word!" Jin said but with a calm tone this time, but anger is visible in his voice.

"It was unexpected, Jin. I never knew about it. My family just said we'll fly to Australia and I never had the chance to talk to you."

"Phones exist, Chaeyoung. You never messaged me."

"What is it still if I did it? It won't change the decision of my family that we will be leaving and--"

"Enough. I don't need any explanations now. It's okay if you are here but don't expect that it will still be the same as before."

"I came here for you, Jin! Don't you like me anymore?" The girl interrogated.

"I like you so much, but that was before. I'm sorry."

"What's with the change? Is it a new girl?" She asked on the verge of crying.

Jin looks down, not wanting to answer.

"Maybe it is." The girl started to tear up. "Just want you to know that I was also hurt. I keep thinking about you and you're the only person I want to meet when we came back here. Now I came here for nothing."

"I'm sorry." Jin apologized.

"It's okay. It's my fault after all. I also want to apologize for leaving you." Rosé said.

Jin smiled. "Thank you. I hope we forgive each other for now."

The girl nodded and wiped her tears.

"Can I hug you at least? Just so you know I miss you so much." She asked.

Jin's smile went wider, he didn't utter any word. He shortly pulled the girl and hugs her.

"We can still be friends, okay?"

"Okay." The girl sadly responded.

Jin remembers a certain person.

How I wish we easily became friends like this too after a trouble. He spoke in his mind, talking about Nayeon.



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