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The whole class is preparing for the physical education course and Nayeon just got changed her outfit. They are all now in their P.E uniform and jogging pants.

Soccer looks a fun game and the maknaes are excited about getting in the field.

The class is waiting for their instructor in the field and Jin once again held's Nayeon hand.

Joohyun on the side caught a glimpse of them holding hands. Well, she doesn't really like Jin from the very beginning, she just wants to maintain her image of being the first student to date new guys at their school, considering that Jin is known for being a rich and handsome guy. They could have held power in their school if Jin didn't reject her.

"Tss." She let out thinking back to how she was rejected. Then she remembered Suho.

They're brothers. She recalled. Since the day she met Suho, she was reminded of what happened.

He's still good-looking. She again thought. Her own moment was disturbed when she heard a whistle from their soccer instructor.

The class gathered in one area and they listened to their instructor, Mr. Taeyang. He introduced the game and explained well the sports. It was time for the practicum and the class started with the basics. The class is enjoying the game until Mr. Taeyang was called.

"Class, something came up. Continue practicing the basics and we'll continue to learn further when I come back. Okay?"

"Yes, sir!" The class responded.

They continued playing until they got tired and Mr. Taeyang is not yet back. The students are slowly getting off the field and resting at the benches.

Jin runs to Nayeon's area, she's with the maknaes.

"Hey! Did you enjoy?" He started.

"Yes, I never knew soccer is fun," Tzuyu answered.

"Yes, me too. Though it's kinda tiring." Dahyun seconded.

Chaeyoung is just fanning herself, she enjoyed much and she's so tired.

Nayeon also just sat as she is also tired. Jin sat beside her and chuckled seeing the girl's state.

"Too tired, huh?"

"Yeah," she lazily replied.

"Everyone! Do you want to play a game while waiting for Mr. Taeyang?" Han Jisung, one of Hyunjin's friend shouted.

"We were just playing a game and now you want us to play another one?" Joohyun spoke out of nowhere.

"If you don't want then it's okay. The game doesn't depend on you!" Hyunjin defended his friend and some of their classmates laughed. The girl just rolled her eyes.

The class formed a big circle upon hearing Jisung's shout, they are in game.

Jin and Nayeon didn't move as they are already facing their classmates, the same with the maknaes.

"The game is just spin the bottle, nothing new!" Jisung said then chuckled.

"Anyone who this bottle points out to will choose between truth or dare. The one who gives the consequence will be me. If you can't do the consequence, you will run around the field as the punishment. Game?"

The class agreed to join the game as they are also bored. They are having a good laugh and fun as some of their classmates danced, sang a song, etc. just so they won't be running around the wide field.

The bottle points to Jin this time.

"Okay, Daeil guy. Truth or dare?" Jisung asked.

"Dare," Jin answered.

"Okay. Uhh..." Jisung can't think of something.

"Too slow, next! Spin it!" Jin stated.

"No, wait! I just can't think of something." Jisung asserted.

"Kiss your girlfriend for 10 seconds!" Hyunjin spoke. Jisung's face lightened upon hearing his friend's suggestion.

"Yeah! That's it. That's the dare!" Jisung said with excitement. Lol.

"What?!" Jin and Nayeon exclaimed. The maknaes tried not to giggle.

Jin remembered what the girl has said before, that she won't risk her first kiss for a fake relationship.

He stood up. Nayeon looks at him surprised.

Is he really going to kiss me? Her mind can't think straight, but she was mistaken as she saw Jin is preparing to run around the field because he can't do his dare.

"Oh come on, Jin! Ya can't kiss your girl? You still didn't do that? How slow of you?!" Hyunjin teased. The class laughed.

Jin ignored him and started to run.

The class cheered after running and he went back to the bench where Nayeon is, but the game isn't finished as the bottle again pointed towards him.

"Same dare, Jin. Same." Jisung smirked.

"Yah! You can't do that!" Nayeon defended.

"Of course I can." Her classmate said chuckling.

As expected, Jin again ran around. When in the middle of the field, Jin felt something. His sprain is not yet fully healed. He felt a pain in his foot as he runs but continued just to finish the punishment.

Upon finishing the run, he slumped on the bench feeling exhausted.

"Are you okay?" Nayeon checked.

"My foot," Jin said, bit wincing.

"Hey, Jin! We're sorry but..." Jisung pointed the bottle that again pointed towards him.

"Still, same dare." He stated.

"He's already tired Han Jisung! Stop this game." She once again defended.

"This would be the last but he still needs to do his dare." - Jisung

"Why struggle yourself to run around the wide field when you can just kiss her, Daeil guy?" Hyunjin laughed.

"Tsk." Jin reacted.

I want to kiss her but I respect what she said. He thought.

He stood up and gets ready to run again but he was stopped as Nayeon grabs his arm and quickly turns his stance towards her. She cupped the guy's cheek, closes her eyes, and let their lips touch.

Jin is surprised, his eyes widen but he slowly closed it after feeling the girl's soft lips.

The whole class gasped upon seeing what Nayeon has done.

"U-unnie..." The maknaes just uttered.

In the other area, Jisung and Hyunjin are smirking.

Jin moves his lips deepening the kiss but Nayeon already backed away. She diverts her look to the smirking Jisung.

"Is that enough now?"

"No. The consequence was, Jin has to kiss you. Not the other way around." Jisung laughed.

"What the--"

With that, it is Jin's turn to cup her cheeks and kiss her. He claimed her lips just as what the girl did. The whole class once again gasped.

Chaeyoung's jaw literally dropped. Dahyun reached for her mouth and closed it.

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