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"Ahhhhhhhhh~" Dahyun is singing on top of her lungs. They are in a karaoke room and Nayeon is just in the corner silently eating.

The room is dark but different lights are playing on and off. Tzuyu and Chaeyoung are dancing to Dahyun's song and having fun.

Jin is just beside Nayeon and they're both watching the maknaes.

"Why did you invite us here if you yourself can't have fun?" Nayeon started, not looking at him.

"This is what they want," he replied. Nayeon turns to him with a cold look.

"I ask them if they want to hang out and I said I will, only if you come," he said.

"So this thing is not your whole idea?"

He shook his head, "No,"

Nayeon sighed.

"Now look at us, we are just like parents who let the children have fun and--"

"Parents? Children? Interesting," he smirked.

"Huh?" She processed what she said, "I-I mean, can't you see? They're having fun and we're not! Is this what you call hangout?"

"What do you want us to do then?"

"I don't know. Let this finish and go home maybe,"

"Come on, we'll go outside, and let's look for something to do," he suggested and extends his hand.

She accepted his hand and they stood up. The maknaes noticed it and they stopped, looking at them confused.

"We'll just be outside, continue having fun here," Jin said and they both went out.

They're walking hand in hand when they saw a machine.

"Look a stuff machine! Let's go," Nayeon pointed out.

"Oh, there's a cute bunny stuff toy, I'll get it!" She excitedly exclaimed and inserted a coin.

She tried but failed. She tried again but failed, Jin is just watching her and laughing every time she failed.

"I'll do it, move," Jin said. He concentrated but he also failed a lot of times. Until he got annoyed,

"This machine is annoying! I never knew this was hard, how much is this? Can I just buy it?" He said annoyed. Nayeon just laughed.

They gave up and just decided to go back.


I honestly don't know what is that called, the machine filled with stuff toys, so I just called it a stuff machine lol. 😂


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