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"I'm leaving, but I'm not leaving behind my promise. I will still study abroad after high school and take good care of the company. For now, let me study at JN and stay with my other family."

"Still visit us here, please? Even if you permanently move have time to visit us." Mrs. Kim asked Jin.

Jin smiled. "Okay, m-mom."

His mother hugged him very tightly. Then he faced his father,

"I already talked to mom and I just want also to say sorry to you too. I never knew, I'm really sorry." Jin told him while looking down. After knowing everything, he really felt bad and sorry.

Mr. Kim hugged his son.

"It's okay. I understand. And yeah, I won't stop you from meeting your real family because you have a right with that. Just still be good and if you need help we're just here, okay?" Mr. Kim

"Yeah, sure."

"Come here," Mr. Kim asked for a hug.

It's the first time in how many years that he's hugging his father again. Now he felt it real, the love and care he was yearning from him were felt in their hugs.

"Having good times here without me, huh?"

The hug broke after hearing the familiar sound.

"Junmyeon-ah," - Mrs. Kim

"Now you probably know why I've been an asshole to you," Junmyeon said full of bitterness and sadness.

"Junmyeon, not today. Your brother is leaving and y-"

"It's okay, dad." Jin cuts his dad's sentence.

"Hyung, can we talk?" Jin asked.

"The last time I checked, you never wanted to talk to me. Now what?" Junmyeon said sarcastically.

"Yeah, it's better if you guys should talk too." Yaya Miese spoke. "Please, no fighting." She added.


Jin and Junmyeon are together alone at their house veranda.

"So I guess they already told you, how much they cared and everything they've done for you. You were always thinking I am their favorite son but apparently, I'm not." Junmyeon started.

"I never knew why you hated me, but since you said that, is that the reason why?" - Jin

"Ever since when we were a child, just so you know, they always talked about you. You were always the first one they were looking for every time they got home from work. That's the time I started to get jealous and hate you for that reason. Until we grew up and I carried the jealousy and hatred." Junmyeon sighed.

"I wanted you to hate our parents through me and I succeeded, but there was this part in me that I feel like I'm not still satisfied. I already proved so much to them, I wanted their attention."

"And you got it. Hyung, I was suffering and had anxiety because of you. You already had our parents' side and attention, I still don't get why you needed more."

"Because everything I've done wasn't enough. Look, you were jealous of me because I am the real son, but I'm more jealous of you because they treated you more like the real son than I am."

"I never felt it though." - Jin

"No, you just didn't realize and didn't see." Junmyeon let out another sigh. "Now, are we good?" He asked.

Jin was speechless. He doesn't know what to think from that moment.

"Well?" Junmyeon looks at his silent brother. "If you want me to apologize again, then okay I'm apologizing. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too, hyung. I think what we had is what happened because both our jealousy and hatred clashed." - Jin

"Now we're good." Junmyeon chuckled. "No more hard feelings for real?"

"Ask that yourself, hyung." They laughed and hugged each other.

They realized from that moment that forgiveness is always the key. Life is too short for jealousy and hatred.

"This calls for a celebration! Let me prepare a family dinner," Yaya Miese came out from nowhere, smiling.

"Don't forget to include yourself again on the table!" Junmyeon chuckled.

"Yep, you're a family!" Jin added.

--- 🐵

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