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The sound of the class' murmurs went down when they saw Teacher Jihyo entered the room.

"Good morning, class!" She greeted and the whole class greeted back.

"Before we proceed to our lesson, let me just make an announcement," she started.

The class went real quiet.

"It is about the Junior-Senior Promenade, there's no official date yet when but I'm already announcing so everyone can prepare. And when I say prepare, it means you all have the time to invite your prom dates or partners as well as go shopping for your formal wears."

The class started to gasp and make a slight noise.

Jin looks at the person beside him, Nayeon noticed it and got confused.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing," and Jin just smiled.

She knows they will be partners and that's for sure.

"JS Prom never excites me, am I normal?" Chaeyoung said.

They are all on the rooftop again having their lunch.

"They say high school life isn't complete without experiencing it." - Dahyun

"I wonder if first and second years can join?" Tzuyu asked.

"It is called Junior-Senior Prom for a reason though," Jin chuckled.

"Exclusively for third and fourth years only," Nayeon added.

"Then who will be their dates, then?" Chaeyoung immediately asked referring to Dahyun and Tzuyu.

"Well sorry, Eunwoo can't invite you," Jin teased that made all of them chuckle.

"Wae? We can attend without partners," Dahyun defended.

"Jungkook, too," Nayeon added then looks at Tzuyu.

"Since when are you two dating?" Jin asked Tzuyu.

"What? No, we're not dating!" Tzuyu opposed.

"Stop lying," Dahyun teased.

"I'm not! Yah, the question is supposed to be for you though,"

"But I'm not dating Jungkook," Dahyun said that he got a hit in the head by the taller girl.

Jin, Nayeon, and Chaeng just laughed at them.

"Pabo! Of course, I'm talking about you and Eunwoo," Tzuyu

"We're not dating!"

"Stop lying too!"

"I'm not lying!"

"Liars say what?" Jin interrupted.

"What?" Dahyun and Tzuyu said at the same time.

There was complete silence before they all understand what Jin has said and they all laughed.

"That was a good one," Chaeyoung said.

"Stop denying it, both of you. I mean, there's nothing wrong dating them," Nayeon said chuckling.

"Actually, there is. Jungkook's bit a baby, I wonder how are you handling him." Jin said.

"They're both a baby so there's nothing wrong," Nayeon defended.

"Okay, fair enough then,"

And they all chuckled.

Jin already moved to his real home with his real family. He's still living in his apartment and invited Jungkook to live with him while they're studying at JN High.

It wasn't hard for Jin to adjust in moving in because his parents welcomed him genuinely. He also had a lot of spending time with Jungkook and they knew more about each other, and it's the reason why he said that Jungkook needs a lot of care as he is still a baby to him. He promised him that he'll be a good big brother.

Regarding his other brother Junmyeon, they also had a great time as Jin still visits his other parents.

Everything went well for everybody.

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