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Dahyun opened her eyes upon feeling the sunlight hitting her. The sight of the room seems unfamiliar to her. She quickly got up and she groaned upon feeling a sting on her head.

"Ahh!" She held her head. Then she discovered she's in between her two friends who are still in their deep slumber.

She looks around and she saw her Nayeon unnie also sleeping at the couch stationed on the side. She assumed they are in Nayeon's house.

She stood up and went out to let out her morning pee. She lazily walks when she bumped into something.

Someone rather.

Dahyun looks at the person and they stare at each other for a second. The other person blinked multiple times as he can't believe who he's seeing.

"YAH! What the hell are you doing here?!!" Eunwoo screamed after recognizing the person who he just bumped into.

His yell didn't freak out the girl, she just lazily stares at him but with an annoyed expression.

"Noona! Namjoon hyu--- aww!" Dahyun hit him hard on his arms when he's about to shout again and call for his siblings. He glared at her.

"I want to pee, where is your comfort room?!" She inquired.

"Downstairs, of course!" He answered whimpering because of the girl's attack.

Dahyun immediately went downstairs and just search for the comfort room on her own as Eunwoo's answer isn't specific.

Eunwoo softly rubs his right arm where the girl hit him.

"Aishh jinjja!" He whimpered.

"Eunwoo-ah? Did you just shout?" Nayeon asked walking out of her room.

"What is that annoying white person doing inside our house?!" He hastily interrogated.

"White person? Dahyunnie?" Nayeon confused. She didn't notice that one from the maknaes just got up.

"Yes! And she hit me! Look Noona!" He showed her his arm.

"Aigoo Eunwoo-ah! Early in the morning you're acting baby again. Come on, let's go, I'll prepare milk for you and soup for the maknaes. And..." she glared at his brother before continuing, "don't argue with Dahyun again." She warned. Eunwoo just rolled his eyes.

They both went downstairs. Nayeon immediately went to the kitchen, while Eunwoo directly walks in the living room but is again surprised.

"Yah!" He once again screamed. He saw Dahyun sleeping on the couch.


Nayeon came to the living room, annoyed.

"Eunwoo-ya! You keep on shouting! Wae?" She asked. She saw Dahyun lying on the couch and her brother is in front of her looking annoyed.

"Yah, don't mind her. Can you be a bit considerate? They are our visitors. Now, if you don't want to see her, come and drink your milk in the kitchen." She pleased.

He let out a sigh. He just made an annoyed expression and followed his sister in the kitchen.


"Thanks unnie for the soup and taking care of us. The last time I remember I was talking to drunk Chaeyoung and presently I woke up to your bed." Tzuyu spoke.

They are now in the kitchen having their breakfast. Eunwoo is out as he doesn't want to join, just even the sight of Dahyun makes him annoyed. Namjoon is at their resto even earlier, he has always been waking up early ever since.

"I can't believe you pleaded us to join you at the party just so someone can look after you," Nayeon told them.

"No, unnie. We never expected to be drunk. Maybe the drinks at the party are just so enjoyable that we never heed of the alcohol's effect on us." Dahyun, munching her food.

"You and Daeil guy didn't do anything at the party, right? I never saw you guys grabbed any drink. I never even saw you for the rest of the party. Where were you?" Chaeyoung questioned.

"We just roamed inside the mansion." She answered, then she remembered some things--- Jin hugged her because she was frightened by the sudden sound of the thunder and the thought that they were about to kiss, Sana and Taehyung dating, and Jin's quick kiss on her cheeks before heading in his apartment.

A smile formed on her face unconsciously.

"And then you make out?" Tzuyu snapped.

"What?!" She exclaimed.

"You suddenly smiled unnie, as if something happened." Dahyun teased.

"Eh? Nothing happened, okay? Yah, why do you have those thinking?" She defended before finishing her food.

The maknaes just chuckled and continued eating.

"Unnie, can you adopt me? You actually take good care of me more than my family, to be honest." Chaeyoung asserted.


"I mean, what I have are those housekeepers when I all I ever wanted is the care directly coming from my mom and dad. They're always busy. I only even see them once a week, I guess."

"Aww that's sad, but I'm still a student too. As much as I want to, I can't adopt you." She chuckled.

"Right." Chaeyoung just sighed.

"You know what unnie? We actually are the same, the three of us. Maybe that's why we became friends because we're having the same issue with our family. It's kinda annoying to think of." Dahyun's mood also shifted.

"We literally just have each other in the beginning, that's why we were happy when we became friends thanks to Daeil guy, you are like, uhhm, our parents?" Tzuyu added and chuckles at her last sentence.

"What?" Nayeon laughed. "You can count on us if you guys need help. I know Jin is that person who is willing to help."

"You know him a lot already unnie, make your relationship with him real now." Dahyun teased.

She just laughed. If she will retort, she will just be teased more but one thing is for sure, she admits she's starting to like him.



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