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"The midterm examination is approaching, any plans or something?" Jin asked Nayeon. They are on the rooftop together alone.

"You mean like, a group study?"

"Uh, yeah? Is it not a usual thing to do here? In Daeil, a week before the examination, groups of friends are having studies in one house."

"Really, well here it isn't. I mean, you study on your own but since you mentioned it, why not try? Let's invite the maknaes or even some who want to join." Nayeon considered.

"Alright, that's the plan then but, where? Is it okay if it's in your house?"

"You're liking our house too much, Jin." She chuckled. "There isn't a day you mentioned wanting to stay in our house."

"What do you expect? I'm all alone in my apartment and I've never felt more deserted." Jin pouted. "Plus, I really like the feeling of having someone beside and I feel like I'm already a part of your family. Namjoon-ssi might be intimidating but he treats me like his own brother."

Jin spends most of his time visiting Nayeon's house during weekends when they don't have class and it doesn't bother Namjoon at all.

"Well, he has a soft side on people who felt lost because of their family. Remember Taehyung? He also treats him like his brother so basically, we're really like siblings."

"Ah, I really wish he's like my brother but nah, I don't even wanna think about him."

"I told you many times, he's still your brother. Speaking, did your family called you from Daeil?"

"Yea, my mom, and Yaya Miese are calling me sometimes to check on me."

"Okay, I thought they never really cared. I just hope everything will be fine with your family."

"Nah, if my brother exists there is no way the family will be okay."

"Can you have some little hope, at least? They are still your family even if biologically they are not."

"Alright, alright. You're on their side again."

"No. I just want you to be positive on things that bother you, okay?" She pats his shoulder then smiled.

"Ah, you never really failed to encourage me. Thank you so much." Jin smiled back at her.

"Can I ask something?"

"About what?"

"Regarding your real family. I mean, it's okay if you don't want to talk about it." Nayeon said.

"What do you want to know?"

"You said you know who your real parents are. Did you ever think of wanting to meet and go back to them?"

"I honestly don't know because we'll never know what the future holds."

"What do you mean?"

"Only time will tell because I really, really don't know. I can say I want it, but I don't wish it either."

"Well, the choice is still yours. I'm just here to support."

"Thank you again. Nayeon, you're really the best girl every friend needs. I'm so glad I met you." Jin hugs her quickly. The girl is surprised but she hugs him back.

She realized and admits she wants to take care of him, more than a friend and a fake girlfriend.

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