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He may have said that there is a guarantee that he will still be liking Park Chaeyoung if she comes back but the thought of it doesn't excite him anymore

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He may have said that there is a guarantee that he will still be liking Park Chaeyoung if she comes back but the thought of it doesn't excite him anymore. His mind is still clouded with what happened and he can't think of how to apologize to Nayeon.

He already arrived at the school, the issue has still hasn't been cooled down so he expected murmurs and whisper as he walks towards his room. As he enters the room, the noise inside volumed down. He directly went to his seat and wears his earphone to ignore the environment.

Minutes passed and his seatmate also arrived but as he expected, Nayeon didn't look at him.

Well, yeah, of course, she will ignore me. What else could it be? He thought.

Their teacher arrived and the class went on. They were reminded of the upcoming examination and because the day is set for only a half, the class was dismissed even before 12.

The maknaes tried to approach Nayeon during their dismissal but they noticed she doesn't want to be bothered. They didn't talk to her about the issue because they are guilty of something -- something that could really end their connection to her. 👀

Jin also doesn't think he can talk to her because of the girl's visible mood. The spoiled soup saliva is back, the Nayeon they used to know on the first day.

Since the planned group study is disregarded, Jin doesn't have any choice but to go home.

As he is walking towards where he parked his car, he noticed that someone is following him. He stopped walking and he felt that the figure behind him also stopped. He continued walking while smartly tracing who could it be that person following him and as fast he could, he turns his back to see who it was and he saw that the person was surprised and so he runs.

Jin noticed the person is familiar so he runs after him but something fell off from the guy, a DSLR bag.

He picked it up and was about to throw it and continue to run but he saw a name on it.

"Jung Hoseok?"

With that name, he continued to run after him. He is sure he still can catch him.

There is no way he's the SMC! He exclaimed in his mind.

--- 🐵

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