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Nayeon accompanied Jin to the school clinic after the P.E class so the nurse can check on his foot. They felt awkward after the kiss and they didn't talk casually towards each other.

Back to the classroom. Jin and Nayeon still felt awkward and they avoid each other's gaze.

"The dare was just 10 seconds but they went kissing for about a minute," Hyunjin stated, teasing the two. Jisung and some of their classmates just laughed.

Their last class ends pretty well but the two still haven't talk.

"W-We can ask school maintenance to look after your car if your foot is still hurting and can't drive. We'll just take a bus ride home." Nayeon told Jin after the class.

"No, I can drive," Jin answered, avoiding the girl's eyes because of awkwardness.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, so now let's go." He quickly held the girl's hand and walk despite the awkward atmosphere.

They already arrived at Nayeon's home and the drive had a total stillness. They didn't really talk. No one dared to speak. They are just being embarrassed about each other.

"Thank you, Jin. I have to go." Nayeon said and is about to open the car door but Jin shortly held her arm that made her stop and look at him.

"W-what?" She stuttered.

"Are we going to be awkward like this for the rest of the days?" Jin asked, still holding the girl's arm not wanting to let go.

"I, uh," the girl shrugged off her shoulder, "don't know." Then forced a smile.

"It's so uncomfortable, I don't like it."

"Then let's just forget what happened in the P.E class, I also can't take the uneasiness." She chuckled.

"Or let's normalize kissing each other so it wouldn't be awkward the next time?"

"What?" She stated surprised.

"Can I have my goodbye kiss?"

"Wha-- A-are you s-serious?"

Jin yanked her closer to him and gave her a peck on her lips. Nayeon is shocked but she blushed at the guy's action. Jin slowly let go of her arm and fixed his seat.

"Bye, Nayeon. See you tomorrow." He stated without looking at her. He also can't help but blush at his action towards the girl.

"Jin, you're making it more awkward." She chuckled and her redden cheek is visible. "See you tomorrow." She finally stated. She went out of the car and wave at Jin driving away.

Her heart's happy.

She's falling for him more and more.

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