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After their conversation, Jin and Rosé went to the cafeteria. Students are looking at them but they didn't care.

They sat at a table and ordered food.

"Students here are different, in a bad way. Like, everything is an issue but don't give attention to them." Jin told Rosé.

"I noticed it."

"Though there are also nice ones. In our class, I can say in general our classmates are naughty but they are good." Jin stated.

"I am looking forward to meet them, uhh, especially..."

Jin raised his brows when the girl paused.


"Especially the girl who took my spot in your heart." She said then chuckled.

Jin smiled bitterly, realizing they are not in good terms.

"What's with the reaction?" The girl asked.

"Nothing. She's the nicest." Jin just responded shortly.

"Okay," the girl said with a smile.

In the same cafeteria, Nayeon is silently having a coffee alone at a table. She noticed when the two entered the area, she actually had a short eye contact with Jin and she felt pain with what she saw.

Maybe it's right for me to reject him, little did I know, his ex will come back. I remember him saying there's a guarantee he will like her if she comes back. She thought.

It only implies he never actually like me. She added in her thought that also added pain in her heart.

Jin and Rosé's food is already on their table and they start to eat. Jin can't help to get a glimpse of the girl at the other table. Remembering their eye contact when they entered the cafeteria, he saw the pain in her eyes.

But why? He asked. She doesn't like me, why does she look hurt upon seeing us?

They were busy eating when a shout surprised him.

"Kim Seokjin!"

A shout was heard at the entrance of the cafeteria. Two people came to look for him at the same time.

Jin is surprised when he saw his brother, Junmyeon. He's not sure who is the other one with the name Kim Jungkook on his uniform.

Nayeon, on the other side, was surprised too when she saw Junmyeon. She knows how much Jin is mad at him.

"What's he doing here?" She whispered. She turns her gaze at Jin, she saw how much surprise and anger is visible in his expression upon seeing his brother.

She saw the other person who yelled. A new student who is smiling excitedly.

Junmyeon approached Jin's table first.

"Surprised? Well, just want to greet you because I'm officially enrolled here. So, welcome to me, eh?" Junmyeon said while looking at his brother.

Jin stood up and leveled his stare at his brother.

"Why are you here?!" He exclaimed softly. "I'm already doing well here, what else do you want?!"

"Yah, I didn't come here for you, okay? Stop assuming." He said smirking, then he noticed the girl at the same table.

"Oh, isn't this the girl you are obsessed with? But wait, what happened now to the girl you introduced as your girlfriend to me when I came here?" Talking about Nayeon.

Jin didn't answer, he's trying not to get angry.

"Don't tell me you're being a womanizer here? Though I am not surprised, it is expected to a good-looking guy like you." He laughed annoyingly. "I wonder how many girls have you collected alrea--"

"Leave," Jin said firmly.

"I will. Don't worry. Tss." Junmyeon said then turned his stance to go out. While walking he bumped into Jungkook who is staring at Jin the whole time.

"Hyung," the young guy uttered while approaching him.

Jin noticed him. "What did you say?"

"Jin, hyung." He stated.

The older guy's confused. Jungkook gets his phone from his pocket, he opened it, and shows Jin a picture.

"This is you, right? You're my brother!" Jungkook exclaimed with glee, but Jin was the opposite.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you." He honestly told him.

"I know, but let me introduce myself to you. I'm Kim Jungkook, your real brother. Our father went here once to meet you but you didn't show up for some reason. I beg father to transfer here to be with you." Jungkook explained.

Jin is still confused, what is happening this day can not seem to process his mind. He has mixed emotions.

"Kim Soo Hyun. Don't you know him?" The younger guy continued to speak but with disappointment when he noticed that Jin is confused.

When he heard the name, he already knows it is his real father and now he can't believe that he also has a brother.

"I'm sorry, can we talk next time?" Jin pleaded.

"Oh, okay hyung," Jungkook said.

Jin leaves the cafeteria without a word that surprises Rosé but she just lets him.


Jin went to the back of the library building. The area is very peaceful, full of trees. He sat under a tree and held his head.

A lot is happening on the first day of the week. Everything is clashing and his head hurts.

He tries to process everything in his mind -- Rosé came back but at least it was okay, Junmyeon's existence in the school, and someone saying he is his brother.


"You okay?" Someone spoke.

He looked up and he saw an unexpected person. He sighed.

"I supposed the break time is already over, what are you still doing here?" He asked while still holding his head.

"Just here being a friend."

He chuckled. He stood up to face her.

"Just being a what? Are you trying to be funny? Last week you keep on ignoring me and now suddenly you're being a friend? And what happened to the personal space you wanted? Tss." He confronted.

"I know how bad I behaved, I'm sorry. Just really here for you but I can go if you don't want to. It's just that, I can see how upset you are right now because of the new people in the school." Nayeon said genuinely.



Nayeon started to walk away.

"I mean, leave your things, and let's go somewhere else."

The girl stopped walking and turns her back to face him.


There she saw how fragile the guy is right now. She can see he is about to break down, he suddenly turned weak and can't contain the thoughts in his head.

"Let's skip class. I want to go anywhere with you, please?" He said with pleading eyes.

She knows she can't say no.


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