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Minutes passed just after Jin tweeted, he saw that his tweet already have reactions from his classmates and even schoolmates. Ever since he transferred, he already caught the students' attention because of his interaction with Joohyun.

 Ever since he transferred, he already caught the students' attention because of his interaction with Joohyun

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-Nayeon saw that Jin's tweet had a massive reaction from the school

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Nayeon saw that Jin's tweet had a massive reaction from the school. She saw that SMC liked and commented on the tweet, but this morning she doesn't have an update from the club about them.

Namjoon already knew it that they'll pretend because of Eunwoo, he didn't like the idea but he can't do anything anymore.

"Noona! Faster, Daeil guy's here!" Eunwoo shouted.

"Why--" she paused when she saw Jin leaning on his car, "does he look handsome?" she whispered, and she can't believe what she said. She shook her head and continue to walk.

"Hi, girlfriend?" He teased.

"Shut up, we only have to pretend in school," she said,

"Noona, it's a good idea you dated Jin hyung, I'll be riding this car every day," Eunwoo chuckled.

"Yah Eunwoo! We're not--"

"Don't you dare refuse to let me drive you again, c'mon!" Jin held her wrist again and let her get in the passenger seat.

"I will let you sit there noona, so you can have a moment with your boyfriend," Eunwoo teased.

"Tsk," the girl glared at him, "we are just pretending okay?"

Jin chuckled, "let's go!" He started the engine and started to drive.

"When will this pretending relationship end?" - Nayeon

"We're still starting yet you already want to end," Jin said, "but we'll see."

Eunwoo put on his earphone, "I'll be listening to music so you can talk comfortably, even though you guys are not talking about something I shouldn't hear." He said then gazed outside.



"I honestly don't know how to do this, I never experienced having a boyfriend so," she paused, "I'll just go with the flow."

"Don't worry, I got this." Jin reaches for her hand but the girl flinched.

Jin smiled, "that's the first thing," he said and held her hand. "You should be used to hold my hand," he intertwined his to hers and the girl just stared at it. She felt different, and it is something she can't explain.

"Ehem," Eunwoo from the back, "I may not know what you guys are talking about but I can see." He said.

They just chuckled and Eunwoo looked outside.

"By the way, your brother, does he know?"

"Yeah, Eunwoo informed him and I explained. He didn't agree at first but he approved eventually," she said.

"I felt bad because we didn't inform him before deciding to do this," he said and lift their intertwined hands.

"I told him I'm helping you getting out of being the SMC's target because it bothers you very much,"

"You sounds like you're doing it just for me, I mean, aren't you bothered too?"

"I told you, I'm like...being done with it. I don't care about the attention I'm getting as long as they don't destroy me and my family."

"What?" He can't believe her, "SMC is disclosing things about your personal life, isn't that destroying you? Aren't you disturb?" - Jin

"Ani, they never really know me so what's the point of going against their actions when it's not really that true." She expressed.

"You have a point, but still, it disturbs and annoys me, I really hate all the attention," he said.

"It's okay, that's why I'm here to help," she smiled and she also lifted their intertwined hands.

Jin smiled at her, "thank you" he thanked.

They arrived at the school and Jin parked his car.

"Let's go? or are you still going to figure out how will you face everyone?" - Eunwoo

"Let's go," she said, she let go of Jin's hand and opened the door. Eunwoo got out of the car too, "Gotta go first," he said.

There are no students around them because Jin parked the car in the basement parking lot.

"Hey hey wait--" but Nayeon is already outside, he got out of the car and locked it.

"Next time let me open the door for you," he told the girl and he holds her hand again. Jin looks nervous, the girl noticed it and she faced him.

"It's alright Jin," she reassured. The guy tightens his hands with hers.

"Look at you, you go around confidently saying you're a worldwide handsome but here you are so nervous about something you decided to do," Nayeon teased him and laughed.

Jin just chuckled, he stared at their hand.

"Hey? Let's go?" Nayeon snapped. He nodded.


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