
293 23 2

2:39 AM

"Jin, Tzuyu is so heavy!" Nayeon exclaimed. The maknaes are wasted after the party at Minatozaki's mansion. Jin laughed and helped Nayeon to bring Tzuyu in the car.

After successfully fixing the maknaes inside the car, they started to drive off.

"No way we're going to drop them off to their own houses. We will surely disturb their entire neighborhood." Nayeon remarked.

"Then what now? Don't tell me we will let them sleep in my car. What if in the morning they will vomit and everything. Ah, no way! " He complained.

"I will let them sleep in our house."

"And? Eunwoo and Dahyun will go mad again if they will see each other."

"I can handle them," Nayeon assured.

"Okay. We'll head to your house then." He said then focused his sight on the road.


Jin and Nayeon had a struggle bringing the wasted maknaes inside their house. Namjoon woke up with the noise he heard inside their house. Upon seeing his sister with the wasted visitors, he crossed his arms and sighed.

"I'm sorry, oppa. I have to let them stay here." Nayeon told.

"It's okay. They are young Nayeon, you could have taken responsibility while you were at the party so they couldn't have been so wasted like that." Namjoon scolded calmly.

"I couldn't stop them from drinking too much, oppa. Mianhe." She apologized.

Hearing their conversation, Jin once again witnessed how caring the family of Nayeon is. He is again amazed. They treat everyone their family. Then he remembered his family, how he wishes they were like that.

"You can also stay here for now, Mr. Seokjin." Namjoon turns to him. "Even if your apartment is just a kilometer away, you can stay. You can knock Eunwoo's room."

"Thanks but I can manage, I will go later." He opposed.

"Okay. Up to you." He told.

They successfully manage to fix the maknaes on Nayeon's room and Jin is ready to go home. Nayeon sends the guy outside.

"Thank you for today, for helping me handle the maknaes." Nayeon expressed.

"It's okay. They are our maknaes, like our babies." He chuckled. She softly hit the guy.

"Are you really sure you want to go? You can really stay."

"It's okay. I don't want to disturb Eunwoo's sleep. He might hate me for that."

"No, he may be annoying but he's not like that." She defended.

"Or do you just want me to stay?" He teased.

"Ani!" She opposed. "Go, I know you're sleepy."

"Right. It's good we don't have class today, I'll probably sleep the whole day." He laughed.

"Good for you."

"I'll be going now."

"Take care, Jin. See y--"

Jin quickly gives a peck on her cheek.

"I will. See you." Then immediately went in his car feeling embarrassed by what he has done. He honked his auto then drive off.

Nayeon, on the other hand, stood there frozen. They are already comfortable holding hands together and now, Jin is leveling up there relationship.

She softly touches her cheeks where Jin placed his lips. She smiled and she knows she's blushing.

"If you will just stand there for the rest of the hour because that guy just kissed you then I'm afraid I'll be closing this door because we can't just let it open." Namjoon from behind spoke.

She flinched upon hearing his voice. She turns and she saw her brother leaning on the door crossing his arms.

"Oh oppa! Did y-you..."

"Yeah, I saw it. Now come on, get inside."

She obeyed. She closes the door upon entering.

"You guys are still pretending, right?" She heard him spoke.

"Ye, oppa."

"Why are you pretending again?" He asked, he sat on the couch and faces Nayeon.

"To get out of the SMC's--"

"Is SMC here?"

She is silenced. She knows what his brother's pointing out.

"Don't get too attached, Nayeon-ah. It may look fine now but you have to remember he comes from an affluent family." Namjoon warned.

"I already don't mind you dating anyone because that's part of your high school life but, if it's that Kim Seokjin I suppose you really need to think about it." He added.

"We're really just pretending, oppa. Nothing serious. After quite some time we'll end and that's it."

"You can't exactly tell what will happen in the future, Nayeon. Guard your heart." Namjoon stated and stood up.

"Get rest now." He finally stated then went up to his room.

Guard your heart.

She remembers that phrase from her Sooyoung unnie.

Is Jin dangerous to love? She asked her in mind.

She shook her head. Wait. Love?

She let out a sigh. She lazily walks upstairs and enters her room. She saw the maknaes soundly sleeping in her bed. Good enough her bed is kinda big so the three fit in. She snuggles on the couch and tried to sleep but Jin's quick kiss keeps replaying in her head.

Am I starting to like him? That thought sends her to sleep.


Happy Sunday y'all! ❤
Don't forget to dedicate this day to our Almighty 🙏

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