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"Let's call it a day, goodbye!" Teacher Daniel dismissed the class.

"Bye, sir!" The class replied.

Jin and Nayeon started to fix their things.

"I'll drive you home again today, we'll wait for Eunwoo so we all can--"

"Is it really okay for you to always give us a ride? I mean,--"

"What are you talking about? Of course, you're my girlfriend, I should be doing those and you have to get used to it," Jin said.

"Okay," Nayeon just agreed knowing that they're just pretending.

Jin held Nayeon's hand and they both went out of the room and heading to the school's parking lot.

They are getting near when Jin saw that someone is leaning on his car.

"Hyung?" He muttered.

"Oh, there you are," Junmyeon said when he saw his brother.

Jin tightened his grip on Nayeon's hand, and the girl noticed it.

"What are you still doing here? I told you to just go back because I'm never talking to--"

"Yah Kim Seokjin! Do you think I came here without any reason? I told you we have to talk so it means it's important. Why don't you understand that? Still acting dumb huh?"

Jin clenched his jaw.

Junmyeon looks at Nayeon who is just silent and just feeling the tension between the two.

"So, girlfriend?" Junmyeon asked.

Nayeon nodded, not wanting to look at him. She's intimidated.

"Come on now! I didn't bring my car so after we talk you have to drive me home," Junmyeon diverted his gaze to his brother.

"What?" Jin looks at him in disbelief, he quickly gets his car key and threw it to his brother,

"Use my car, just go home alone," he firmly said then walks out, still holding Nayeon. The girl, on the other hand, doesn't know how to react.

"One more step and I can't guarantee you a peaceful dating life," Junmyeon threatened that made them stop.

Nayeon looks at Jin who is just looking down clenching his jaw, she removed her hand from the guy's grip.

"Talk to him, Jin. I'll go alone," she said, the guy looks at him with no reaction but she can see the anger in his eyes.

"Stop being difficult, Seokjin-ah. If you're upset, the more I am, just so you know." Junmyeon told at the back.

"I'll text you," Nayeon finally said and she left, leaving Jin and his brother.

"Tsk, tsk," Junmyeon uttered shaking his head and he enters Jin's car.



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