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"Namjoon-ssi, someone wants to see you," Taehyung said upon opening Namjoon's mini-office at the restaurant.

The older guy's expression became confused.

"Who?" He asked.


"Let him in," Namjoon said despite being surprised.

Taehyung made an okay sign then went out to call Jin.

Jin went inside and regrets going there, but he has to.

"What brings you here?" Namjoon immediately asked without glancing at him.

"I want to apologize for the things I've done to your sister and everything that I need to apologize, Namjoon-ssi. I know I was stupid but... w-were friends again. Please, don't restrict her from being with me," Jin paused. "Especially now, I want to officially ask you if... i-if I c-can court your s-sister?" He stuttered.

Namjoon stopped what he's doing upon hearing his last sentence and he looks directly at him.

"Are you hearing what you're asking me?"

"I'm s-serious, Namjoon-ssi."

Namjoon stood up and walks closer to him.

"What if I say no?"

"I'll prove myself."

"What will you prove to me?"

"That I'll love her, I'll protect her, I--"

"I can do that. She doesn't need someone to do that for her. She has me and Eunwoo. We can protect her."

"But I'm different and she loves me!" Jin stated that made the older guy silent.

Namjoon remembers what her sister told them.

"W-what if... I do like him? What is it to you now?"

"What did you just say?"

"I l-like him." She repeated.

He crossed his arms and looks at Jin again.

"The moment you'll hurt my sister, you're dead. I don't care if you're from a wealthy family, if my sister cries because of you, I'll kill you. Remember that." Namjoon stated and emphasized every word. He turns his back and walks back to his seat.

"Go," he bid.

"Wait, is that a yes?" Jin's expression lightens up even if he's scared by Namjoon's statement.

"Yes, but it's a warning. Mark my words. Now, go." He said then proceeds with his work.


"You what?" Nayeon stops chewing.

"Hyung, what the hell?!" - Eunwoo

Nayeon hits the head of her brother for reacting that way. The siblings are currently having their dinner.

"I don't want you to have hard feelings for me just because I didn't allow him to court you." Namjoon straightly said. He told Nayeon about their conversation with Jin.

"He t-talked to you?"

Namjoon nodded. "But please, know your limitations. Just be each other's inspiration, that's all. And if he hurts you, tell me."

Nayeon's expression became happier. He didn't expect it to happen.

"You disagreed at first, oppa. I thought--"

"I can see you're happy. Who am I to hinder?" Namjoon smiles at her.

The most important thing for Namjoon is his family. He raised his two siblings and he's happy whenever he sees them happy. It's a thing that other people cannot see in him. He may look very serious and intimidating but he is soft inside, especially when it comes to his siblings.

"Thank you, oppa." Nayeon happily said.

But the other person at the table is not happy about it.

"How can you easily allow that Daeil guy to court noona, hyung? I still want to punch that guy in the face and-- aww!!!" Eunwoo hissed in pain and held his head when Nayeon hit him again.

Namjoon just laughs at them.

"Just shut up and eat," Nayeon glared at him.


Meanwhile, Joohyun is about to open the gate in their house when someone called her.


She jumped a bit for the sudden voice she heard.


Junmyeon walks closer to her.

"Finally, I can meet you now after being busy with a lot of process in my transfer at Daeil. How are you?" He smiles at her.

"I-I'm fine. What brings you here? Did you follow me?"

"Uh, kind of. I saw you walking when I'm about to go home."

"You're being creepy. Anyways, if you don't mind you can come in and let's have a coffee." Joohyun invited.

"Sure, sure."

--- 🐵

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