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Nayeon just got off the bus. She will be walking home and it's not that far.

She came from the ice cream shop where Chanyeol brought her. It was fun for her and they just had a casual talk.

While walking, she was thinking back to when she still likes him.

I just really admire him, that's all. Now I know the difference between the feeling of just admiring and liking someone. Basically, the difference between Chanyeol oppa and Jin.

She also remembers her conversation with her Sooyoung unnie, she knows she said she won't fall in love with Jin but she did.

She laughed at herself and suddenly stops when she noticed a car also stopped beside her.

She saw Jin coming out of the car.

"Yah, wha-"

"If only you told me you want an ice cream then I should have taken you to a better ice cream shop." He said to her complaining.

"Did you--"

"Yes! I followed you."

Nayeon sighed.

"When will you stop--"

"I already told you I won't stop talking to you even if you keep on ignoring me, okay? Did you hear me? I. Won't. Stop." He firmly stated.

"Leave me alone, I'll see if we--"

"No. I'm not gonna let you be alone."

"I hate you." She stated out of annoyance, but she knows it's a lie.

"W-what did you just say?"

"First of all, it's like the whole week you've been disturbing and bothering me. You're always sorry and asking for forgiveness and you just can't stop talking. And now you're not letting me finish my sentence. I swear, I hate you so much." She said.

"Y-you h-hate... are you serious?" Jin sadly asked.


"Yes. You're so tiring, to be honest."

"Okay, I will stop if you can tell me how can I get you out of my head."

Nayeon wasn't able to respond to what he said.

Jin steps closer to her.

"You know what? I've never asked forgiveness from someone like how I am doing to you. Can't you see? I am not just asking for your forgiveness but also..."

Nayeon stares directly at his eyes as she waits for him to continue.

"B-but also what?"

"I remember saying I have feelings for you. I-I like you. A lot." Jin confessed. "That means I want you to forgive me the same as I want our friendship to be on the next level. I also want to know if you also like me but hearing what you said, I guess I already know the answer." He stated sadly.

"D-do you really hate me? Because if you really do, it will hurt me. Big time." He added. A mix of seriousness and sadness can be seen in his voice and expression.

"You hurt me too, Jin. You hurt my feelings first and I'm still hurting. I just want personal space after all that happened. I want to be alone and I can't trust anyone anymore." She paused. "Thank you for liking a person like me, though I don't know why of all the girls in the school you choose me."

"There's no reason for me to like you, Nayeon. Your existence in my life is enough. Now I want an answer, please? Why do you hate me?"

"Sorry for what I said earlier, that was just because you annoy me. I don't hate you, but I-I don't like you either." She answered.

"Does it mean I am rejected?" He asked.

There was a short silence.

"Look, this conversation is going nowhere, Jin. Just go home and stop bothering me now."

"Okay. I will give you the personal space you want, but can you please consider my feelings too? J-just think about it if you don't mind." He pleaded.

"I already said it, okay? I don't like you." She replied without hesitation. She knows it will hurt the guy, but she will have to get rid of her feelings for him.

She just wants to make sure if she really does have feelings, if in the days she will not miss him then she has to let go but if it's the opposite, she will be the one to confess herself.

"Bye, Jin. Always take care of yourself." She said then she went off, leaving the guy behind feeling all the pain she caused.


It is the weekend and Nayeon noticed that Jin never texted her like he usually does. She knows he might be really hurt by their last conversation.

"I survived my years in the school by myself, so facing the finals alone won't scare me, I guess." She whispered.

She remembers Jin's words to her.

"You know what? You said you're better off alone but I don't agree. I've seen you a lot happier when we were together with the maknaes. I've seen the better you. I've seen who you really are as a person. If you didn't allow us to be your friends, no one will really understand you."

He was right. She was happy when she was friends with them, she was grateful that after 2 years in high school, some people made friends with her. After what happened, it wasn't the same anymore. She really is back with being alone and it's her choice. Maybe it is how it is when they broke her trust.

She wants to be by herself again but a little space in her heart she hopes that she will be friends with the maknaes again,

and also to tell Jin how exactly she feels for him.

The End...

of their Midterms. 😂


Double update!
These updates will be the last for this year. Next will be more characters maybe and more happenings? We'll see! 😂😊

And yeah, I hope everyone's having a good holiday because I am enjoying mine.

Stay safe and let's go, 2021! ✨

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