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"Ahhh, I really like strolling at night," Jin said, they are walking together while hands on their jacket's pocket because it's cold. They decided to walk after eating.

"You've been strolling already before? Like alone? At night?"

"Yeah, it's not dangerous and I'm not afraid if that's what you mean,"

"Okay," the girl nodded and just wandered her eyes around.

"But I never thought it would be better if you're with someone," he said smiling, and the girl smiled too.

"I bet you went for walks before because of the same problem, right?"

Jin looked down, "yeah," he stopped walking and faced the girl, who also halted because of the guy's action,

"I can sense that you want me to open up huh? Like what happened between me and my brother, what did we talked about..."

"No no no, it's okay if you won't tell me. I know that that is something you can't just talk about to someone unless you trust that person," Nayeon said,

Jin sighed, he continued to walk and the girl followed,

"It is about family matters," he started, "I don't understand why they still include me about things regarding family when it's very clear and obvious that I am not part of it,"


"Really, Nayeon, I'm sick of it," he said, "maybe because they think I don't know,"

"What do you mean?"

"They're not aware I already knew that I am not a real Kim, that I don't belong to them, like you know, a real Kim blood who owns big companies, with a big name,"

"Then how did you know you're adopted?"

"Not really adopted because there were no legal papers, I was just like a puppy given to a fortunate owner because the real owner can't take good care of me,"

"What? Jin, that's--" the girl can't continue and can't believe the guy's story, "how did you know all of this?"

"Yaya Miese. Remember the one I told you about who fixed all my 1D pieces of stuff?" Nayeon nodded.

"She knows it all, she's with us ever since, she's the one who told me about my real parents and everything, she's my mother figure, she was the one who confirmed I am not a real Kim,"

"What do you mean real Kim? Do you mean that your father who owns the biggest company here in Korea is really the real one and Kim Dahyun and Kim Taehyung are the fake ones because they're not that wealthy?"

"What?" He laughed, "what I meant is that I am not a real Kim who belongs to the same blood as them, like same Kim as them. Well yeah of course there's a lot of Kims. And who is that Kim Taehyung you just mentioned?"

"Namjoon oppa's bestfriend who runs the resto alongside with him," she said, "back to your story, you mean you found out about you and you asked Yaya Miese about it then she confirmed?"

"Exactly, I heard my brother and mom's conversation when I was in 4th grade, I am still young at that time but it doesn't mean I am dumb not to understand," he paused sighing because he hates recalling it but he has to let it out.

They sat on a bench and Nayeon just looked at him waiting for him to continue,

"I told you we always fight right? That time after our fight, my mom's scolding my brother saying he should be careful not to mention about me being adopted. I heard it all. And now I still pretend I didn't know about it, so I actually don't know who am I fooling, is it me or them? But who cares, it doesn't matter already, as long as I'm still living and I have reasons to live," he let out.

Nayeon can't help but get sad by her friend's story.

Scratch it,

her fake boyfriend's story.

"I am amazed how strong you are to carry those all through the years," she tapped Jin's shoulder, "I suck at comforting and giving pieces of advice but, I know it will be okay, you'll be okay," she smiled at him.

"Thanks, your presence is enough. I am already relieved when we went singing 1D songs, I am just letting it out because you asked for it," he said and he chuckled.

"Yah, why did you laugh?"

"Because it is like I am letting you know and you really have the right to know cause you are..." he paused, "my girlfriend?" he again chuckled.

"The whole idea is we are pretending but at this specific moment we are not, I am here as a friend, and thank you for trusting me," she said cheerfully.

"Right, I am also thankful I have someone I can talk to," he said then looks at her.

They stared at each other and there was an awkward silence.

"What now? Let's go home? It's almost 3 am already" Jin stood up and broke the silence,

"Ah, right. Let's go," she said and they walked off.

The ride was peaceful and quiet but not awkward, Nayeon is just gazing outside and Jin focuses on the road.

"Thank you for today Nayeon, I'm sorry for disturbing you," Jin said, they already arrived at the girl's house.

"It's okay Jin, no problem. What are friends for, right?" she smiled,

Jin nodded, "We are friends but in school, we are not," he said and chuckled, " that's so funny to think of."

"I just realized I am helping you one way and another huh? I am your friend listening to your problem and I am your girlfriend helping you to get out of SMC's sight and attention," The girl said laughing,

"Ah ye, thank you for helping me," he said, "one day, I'll also help you don't worry, I'll do whatever it takes,"

"Really? I'll look forward to it then."



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