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"School sucks today!" Eunwoo threw his bag and sat on the couch sulking upon entering the living room.

Nayeon from the kitchen sits beside him with her coffee.

"What happened?"

"So there's this new student in our class, he almost beat me in our oral quiz. Geez, I need to study more." He told her.

"You're not the only intelligent person, Eunwoo." Nayeon chuckled.

"Jungkook looks dumb though, to be honest. I never expected him to b-"

"Jungk-- what?" She cuts off.

"Jungkook, the new student."

"That's Jin's real brother!" Nayeon told him surprised.

"What? W-Well who cares? I still hate that boyfriend of yours. Might as well hate his brother then."

"Yah!!" Nayeon hits his head. "If Namjoon oppa approves him for me, you should too. And don't include Jungkook with your drama, okay?"

"Tss." He rolled his eyes and left his sister.


Jin and Nayeon enter the cafeteria when Jin notices familiar people at one table.

He saw his brother Jungkook with Junmyeon.

"YAH KIM JUNMYEON!!" He yelled that everyone looks at him, even Nayeon beside him was surprised. He immediately let go of Nayeon's hand and went to the table.

"Jungkook, let's go! Don't ever talk to this guy!" Jin quickly held Jungkook's arm but Junmyeon stops them when they're about to walk out.

"H-Hyung?" Jungkook muttered.

"Hey, I'm just talking to him. What's with the yell?" Junmyeon spoke.

"Come on, Jungkook. Let's go." He softly drags his brother and went out leaving Nayeon and others in the café confused.


"Hyung, he was talking to me nicely. I don't know why..." Jungkook looks at his frustrated brother with so much confusion.

"What was he telling you?"

"He told me he heard about me being your real brother and that, uhhmm, he wants to make friends." JK innocently answered.

"Did I ever tell you that he was never a good person to me? Don't ever talk to him again, okay? He might cause trouble."

"He seems sincere though."

"No, don't fall for that. Just listen to me." Jin sternly told him.

"Okay, hyung."


Class ended. Jin had a little date with Nayeon before deciding to go home.

Jin parked his car and was about to enter his apartment when he saw Junmyeon waiting for him at his door.

"Move," Jin said as cold as possible.

"Can we talk without you getting mad at me? I understand your anger but not now. Just open the door and let's talk inside." Junmyeon said calmly. It surprises Jin because he can't hear any arrogant tone in his voice.

Jin looks at him sharply before opening the door with the passcode. They went in and Junmyeon immediately sat on the couch.

"Nice apartment," he complimented while looking around.

Jin also sat on the couch opposite his brother. "Just get straight to the point. Talk and you can get out." He straightly said.

"I'm sorry," Junmyeon said sincerely that made the younger person shocked. He looks at him in disbelief.


"You heard me. I'm sorry for everything." Junmyeon once again apologized.

"If you're planning something and this is a part of it, then just get lost. Good acting, though." Jin stood up.

"Irene made me do this."

Jin slowly sits down upon hearing what his brother just said.

"What? Who's Irene?"

"Bae Joohyun," Junmyeon told their whole story.

"You're sorry just because she asked you to? Damn, the sincerity." Jin commented sarcastically.

"Look, I'm trying to be nice, for her and everyone. Just get over it, everything that I've done to you."

"Get over it? I was suffering alone when I was in Daeil because of you!" Jin exclaimed full of anger.

"What do you want me to do then? If you want to punch me right now, go ahead. I'm already giving you a chance." Junmyeon told him, he even opens his arms expecting his brother to beat him.

Jin chuckled annoyingly.

"Beating you is never enough."

"Then tell me what to do, I'll do it. Just forgive me and let's make everything well good."

Jin looks at him as if he's examining his capability.

"Okay, then. Tell dad and mom that I'll be permanently leaving home. You met my real brother Jungkook, right? I'll be meeting my real parents with him and I'll live with them for good." Jin said.

Junmyeon's eyes widen at his brother's request.

--- 🐵

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