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Everything is pretty normal as time passes especially for Jin and Nayeon. They are always together and the people around them are already used to it. Even if they're just pretending, their relationship became better. Nayeon is already comfortable hanging out with him not minding about helping her brother at the resto. They are also even  used to holding hands together.

And as they assumed, the SMC did stop tailing them after Jin confirmed they are dating. The current target of the SMC is the rich Japanese senior Sana Minatozaki. Accordingly, Sana is dating an outsider and the SMC spotted them once when the guy visited her on the campus.

"Sana should tell her boyfriend not to come here,"

"Right, so SMC cannot notice them," Nayeon said agreeing to Jin. They are in the rooftop together. Nothing changed, they are always there as if they own it. The maknaes are with them sometimes but they want Jin and Nayeon to be together alone.

"Oh, Sana just tweeted. Did you see it?" Jin suddenly said and Nayeon opened her phone.

 Did you see it?" Jin suddenly said and Nayeon opened her phone

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"A party? I'm sure the maknaes will go again. They never missed parties." Nayeon said.

"Sana held a party before too?"

"No, but holding a party is kinda normal here. What do you expect, this school is full of rich people. The maknaes are always on the go to whoever invites them, though everyone is invited."

"Oh okay," Jin nodded.

After a minute,
"Unnieeee! Daeil guyyyy!" Dahyun from the entrance shouted that made them flinched.

The maknaes arrived smiling,

"Yah! Why ar--"

"Let's go to Sana's party, unnie!!" Chaeyoung excitedly exclaimed.

Nayeon looks at them without expression.

"You think that's my thing? No." She firmly stated.

"Daeil guy will go so let's go, unnie-yah!" - Tzuyu

"Woah, wait. Who said I'm going?" Jin said confused.

"None of us is even close to that Sana," Nayeon said.

"Everyone is invited unnie! Come on, Daeil guy let's go! Is partying not a thing at Daeil?"

"It is but if Nayeon will not go, I won't."

"Aish, you two are inseparable now huh? Are you guys making the relationship real?" - Dahyun

"Ani! Party is not just our thing okay? You go yourselves." Nayeon told them.

"If you guys will not go, we'll take it as you are really dating. No pretending, real as real." Chaeyoung said looking intently at them as if speculating something.

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