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"I am not expecting you to ask your mom about my time just to talk to you. What is it, son?" Mr. Kim sat down in his office, just as he placed his coffee in the table.

"Yeah, from now on you can stop with those pretensions."

Mr. Kim's expression became confused.

"Can you get straight to the point, Seokjin?"

"I will be leaving this family for good. You can stop calling me son and-"

"Kim Seokjin," Mr. Kim cut off firmly.

Jin sighed down before continuing,

"There's this new student at JN, Jungkook, my brother from my biological family. I'm ready to meet them and if they may, I will stay with them."

Jin looks at his father's expression, he was expecting anger but sadness in his eyes is what he got.

"So Hyun met us once when you were ar JN, and after that moment, I honestly felt scared about you leaving us and now here you are saying it." Mr. Kim told him but Jin wasn't convinced.

"Oh come on. I said you can stop pretending now, didn't I? Isn't this what you want? Stop acting like you're not happy about me leavi-"

"I am not acting!" His father exclaimed.

Jin was caught off.

"Really? Junmyeon hyung-"

"That's just him, okay? Whatever attitude your brother threw to you, it has nothing to do with me. You are so hard to handle too that may look like I never cared for you but I did, and I still do." Mr. Kim's intimidating expression went fragile

"Look, I and your mom had some conversations about reaching you without you getting mad but you were just too hard to approach. I know it has something to do with Junmyeon but please, if you think calling you 'son' was just all acting, no. I will still call you that until my last breath. Remember that. I raised you."

"Yeah, but you gave me a bad environment that I have to suffer alone. I had to deal with your son and I have to go through all his insults. You said you cared but you never did something about it."

"It's all because you were thinking that I was just pretending to care. If you don't know, we asked Yaya Miese to take good care of you as you grew up because we can't for the reason that you hate us."

Jin looks at his father in disbelief.

"Y-you what?"


"It's true, Jin. When you were still young and they felt that you were mad at them because of Junmyeon, they beg me to focus on taking care of you more than your older brother. They've been sharing how difficult for them to approach you. They felt that at your young age, they were aware that you already had the thought of being adopted." Yaya Miese explained.

Jin is at their home because it's the weekend. He thought of visiting just as the same that he can talk to his father and from what Mr. Kim told him, he asked Yaya Miese about it.

"They really care about you, Jin. They were just showing it through me. They were always asking about you especially when you moved, they asked if you talked to me and how was your day. Everything, Jin, they asked me and they cared. I just can't tell you because they also asked me not to. You know what, remember the time you asked me to find all your One Direction stuff in your room? Your father helped me find them and he was the one who fixed and sent it."


"It's been a while I went to his room. I still can't believe he's head over heels with these guys who don't even know he exists." Mr. Kim laughed, holding a 1D album.

It was the time when he was helping Yaya Miese find those stuff.

"Sir, he once said to me he is amazed by these artists. Actually, I heard him once singing and I asked him about, you know, becoming an artist in the music industry and he said why not? But he said he still wants to go to school so..."

"Well if in the future he wants to pursue to become one, that's okay. That's if he really can sing." Mr. Kim chuckled.

"If you only knew sir, he is really goood. But if that happens, how about the future waiting for him in Australia? The company there, remember?"

"That's just for preparing his future. As a father, I don't want him to go nowhere after studying. He didn't refuse the proposal though, but if he did it's still okay."

Yaya Miese smiled. She really knew how much he cares for his son, despite his intimidating look and aura.

End of flashback...

Jin didn't realize that a tear fell from his eyes upon hearing all those from Yaya Miese.

"The only problem was your brother, Jin. I don't know how he got that behavior but please, just because he was like that doesn't mean that it is the same with your dad and mom." Yaya Miese added.

"Thank you for telling me those, Ya." He smiled.

Now, he's torn between leaving the family or not.

--- 🐵

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