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"Why can't I stay in the same school as hyung?" Jin complained.

"Because you don't have the same brain as him." Mr. Kim stated.

Jin went silent with his father's reply.

Ah yeah, of course, he's the smartest and I'm the opposite. Jin thought. He glanced at his brother Junmyeon, and he saw him smirked. He gets more annoyed.

"Dong Wook-ah," Mrs. Kim said to her husband.

"What? He needs to hear these kinds of words until he'll get into his senses. Just why can't you focus on your studies huh?"

"Dad, he's just uninspired," Junmyeon said, still smirking.

They all look at him.

"What? Am I right, Seokjin? You are behaving like you lack attention because of that girl, what's her name again? Chaeryoung? Chaeyoung? Whatever it is. She left you right?"

"Don't say those as if you have someone in your life right now that's why you're inspired and doing good in school. Who likes you and your attitude?" Jin fired back.

Junmyeon aggressively stood up.

"Stop turning the table. We are talking about how dumb you are here!" The older guy said angrily.

"Enough," Mr. Kim said. Mrs. Kim just looks sad about what's happening.

"This is nonsense! Yah Kim Seokjin, I am working and sending you to school, why can't you return the favor? Make us proud at least. We are always called up not because you achieved something but because you broke someone's arm, neck, and next time I won't be wondering if I will be hearing you killing someone." Mr. Kim stated.

"Right. You are sending me to school but isn't that a responsibility as a father?"

"Jin, enough-" Mrs. Kim tried to stop him.

"Look how dumb you are. How can it be his responsibility when you're--" Junmyeon said but wasn't able to continue.

"Kim Junmyeon, you stop right there!" Mrs. Kim yelled. "We never had a good and peaceful dinner, just so you guys know."

"Tomorrow maybe it will be peaceful because I won't be joining you anymore."

"Seokjin-ah," His mom pleaded.

Jin just ignored his mom and went straight to his room. He lazily lied down to his bed and stared at the ceiling.

He will be an upcoming third year in high school and his dad decided to move him to another school because of many reasons.

Firstly, he never gets along with his Junmyeon Hyung that's why their dinner's seat arrangement has always been him beside Mrs. Kim while they face his brother together with Mr. Kim.

They always quarrel ever since when they were young because their attitude doesn't match and it something that their parents can't understand.

He admits that his brother is way more intelligent than him. Mr. Kim always compares them that made Jin discouraged, and it is actually the start of him losing interest in going to school. He has always been a stupid son.

There is one certain situation that made him upset that he started to fight other students in their school. He learned to answer back to older people than him.

Basically, because of what he found out, he started to change to the point that other people look at him as "that student who lacks attention." He's not mad about it though, because his father never appreciated him. His mom is okay but he never felt her as a mother. Their parents favor Junmyeon so much.

Park Chaeyoung.

He suddenly thought of the girl his brother mentioned. He was right. When Chaeyoung left him, he was kind of sad that made him uninspired in going to school. He likes her a lot, but with no reason, she left a year ago. He heard that she went to Australia but he never heard of the reason.

Mr. Kim decided to transfer him to Jae En High School, a prestigious school but their current school, Daeil Foreign Language High School is way more prestigious. Too bad, he will be leaving that school but in some ways he kind of like the idea of him moving because he will leave his brother too. Plus, Mr. Kim let him live his own life. Their home is too far from his new school so he will be staying in an apartment.

Aside from separating his they-don't-get-along sons, Mr. Kim wanted Jin to be away because the professors in the school warned him and his wife that they're afraid Jin can make it to third and fourth year because of his failing grades since the school only accepts high performances.

Jin started to pack all his things. He is set to move next week but he just can't wait to get out of the house. He will be staying first with his friend.

Jin arrived at Min Yoongi's condominium. Yoongi's condo has always been the place where he sleeps whenever he doesn't go home.

"Yah. This is already an abuse. Just because I am rich as you doesn't mean you are always allowed to go here whenever you want and eat all my food." Yoongi complained.

"Don't worry. Next week, I will be leaving officially so I can't be here whenever I want." Jin said while chewing something he got from his friend's fridge.

"Ah yeah, because you'll be moving. I hope you will do good in there so you won't be kicked out again."

"I don't care. Come what may, I-- wait. What did you say?" Jin looked at him sternly.


"Yah! What do you know?" He put down the food he's eating and went closer to his friend.

"Didn't Mr. Kim tell you? You won't make it to the third year so that's why... but didn't you see it coming? I mean no offense, your grades are awful just so you know."

"Really? Yeah, you have a point. Why didn't I think about it? Well, it's still okay. I still want to be away with them, especially to their favorite son. Though, there's a part of me not to go away because I don't wanna leave my Ya there." He sighed.

"Yaya Miese. I feel bad about that. Did you say goodbye to her?"

"Nope. She's in the Philippines right now, but she'll surely cry if I do. You know that she is more a mother figure to me than mom. She will be back two days from now, I am sure she will be sad if she will learn I left."

"You will be leaving but she will be the reason for you to go back after you finish high school there."

"Yeah. And of course, because of you too I will be back." Jin looked at him.

"Yah. That sounded cheesy. Cringe." Yoongi said.

"Hahaha. Thanks, man, seriously, with all your help." Jin meant it.

"What are friends for?" Yoongi smiled at him. "You take care there always. Call me if you need help." He added and they had a friendly hug.


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