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"Oppa! We're going!" Nayeon shouted.

"Yeah, you guys take care!" Namjoon shouted back.

Nayeon and Eunwoo are already outside their not so small but not so big house.

It is the first day of class and Eunwoo is excited as always, but not for the other person because she knew it will be a boring school year again.

"Noona, if there is a pre-test again today as usual for the first day of class, bet I will top it again." Eunwoo started a conversation.

"Yah Eunwoo-ah, you always say that every first day. Look, you are a first-year high school student in the same school as me now. In the school, there is no pre-test or whatever it is as what you were doing in your previous school before okay?" Nayeon clarified.

"Really? Wha. I didn't expect that. What to do on the first days in high school then?"

"Introduce yourself and lecture right away." She lazily replied to her brother.


"Hello. I am Kim Seokjin. Nice to meet you all." Jin introduced himself to his new classmates.

"Where school did you come from?" Teacher Jinyoung asked.

"Daeil Foreign Language High School." He answered.

The whole class gasped.

"You came from the most prestigious school in the whole of Korea but why did you move here?" Joohyun, the most known students in school asked.

Jin just smiled and shrugged off his shoulder.

"Okay, Kim Seokjin you can take your seat." Mr. Jinyoung said, though he also wants to know the reason behind. Regarding that matter, the head of the school is the only one who knows the reasons why students transfer in and out of their school.

Jin looks for a seat and he finds one, he immediately sat there.

"Seriously? Hey you good-looking guy from Daeil, do you really want to sit beside her?" Joohyun, again asked him like they're very close.

Jin was surprised. He looked at the person beside him, and look back to Joohyun with a confused face.

"What's wrong?" He just said.

"If you don't want your saliva to be like a spoiled soup, you better get out there and find another seat." She warned and the whole class laughed.

"Spoiled soup saliva what?" Jin again looked at the girl beside him, he saw the girl just sighed without looking at him.

"Hi," Jin said.

"..." The girl didn't answer.

"Yah Im Nayeon, who are you? A celebrity? the Miss Universe? Look, someone finally took a seat beside and even talk to you." Joohyun again asserted.

"That's enough." The teacher said and the class went on.

Jin is still confused with his first encounter in his new school. He again took a glance beside him, the girl is concentrated with the lesson. He doesn't know why they seem to bully her. With her looks, he could say she's not a nerd, she looks normal as what a student should be,

But why did that girl told me to look for another seat? Is she dangerous? a monster?

"If staring is a crime, you're guilty," Nayeon whispered.

Jin is startled.

"Oh I'm sorry, I was just..." He didn't continue and he just acts like he's paying attention to the lecture.

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