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"Let's just forget everything and move on, yeah?" Nayeon asked the four people in front of her.

"Yes, unnie!" The maknaes answered.
"Okay," then Jin followed.

They are hanging out in the rooftop again and they are eating lunch together.

"Hyung!" Someone came running towards them.

"Oh-- Jungkook?" Tzuyu said trying to remember the name.

"You know him?" - Dahyun

"Uh, yeah. I met him the other day." The other girl replied.

"Oh, Tzuyu! You're friends with my hyung?" Jungkook asked when he got closer to them.

Jin was just silent. Ah yeah, I still haven't talk with this guy. He remembered.

"Yes, we are all in the same section and we're all friends." Tzuyu shyly replied.

Jungkook nodded, then turns his face to Jin.

"Hyung! I'm really glad I found you, I already told mom and dad about you and mom cooked this lunch for you! She said-"

"I am not the only person here, Mr. Jungkook. Introduce yourself." Jin cuts him off with a very demanding sound.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just too excited." He bowed down in front of them 90°.

"Annyeong haseyo. Jungkook-imnida!" He introduced.

"Hi, I'm Nayeon."

Everyone stared at Tzuyu.

"What?" She asked. "He already knows me," she turns his gaze to Jungkook. "You know me, right?"

Jungkook chuckled and it shows his bunny teeth.

"Yes, Tzuyu." He smiled.

"Hyung, why are you friends with girls? Are you, perhaps, gay?" He asked immediately that made them laugh.

"Yah, if it's not normal for you to see a man being friends with women then normalized it." Jin stated.

"Okay, sorry hyung." JK handed the lunchbox to him. Jin accepted it and asked to talk to him alone.

"We'll just eat our lunch here, you guys can talk." Nayeon said.

The brothers went far from the area.

"Mom said she wants to meet you some time if you're ready." JK started.

"Look, I am not ready. I wasn't even ready to meet you but you just showed up and called me, 'Hyung! Hyung!' " Jin told him.

"I am so excited to see you when they told me about you, hyung. I've always wanted a brother." JK said.

"I can't promise to be a good brother to you, Jungkook. I'm sorry that I don't know how to be one. I wasn't raised in a very good environment and good people around me." Jin admitted, but Jungkook is just looking at him innocently.

"But I'll try, okay? I'll be a good brother to you."

"It's okay, hyung. Meeting you is already enough. I'm sorry about your other family.." - JK

Jin just nods.

"Can I hug you, hyung?" The young guy asked.

Jin spreads his arms open and Jungkook hugs his brother.


"I don't want Jungkook to experience what I had but I don't know how will I do it. I have no idea what a good brother does." Jin told Nayeon.

Their class is already over and they decided to go back to the lighthouse and have a talk. They just don't want to go home and just spend a time with each other.

"Being a good person in general is not being learned, Jin. You just have to be you and you'll see how good you are to your brother, friends, and to other people." Nayeon comforted.

"See, you are already being a good brother to the maknaes and to me without realizing it so how much more to Jungkook who you share your own blood with? Don't ever think about being good because you already are, okay?" She cups the guy's cheeks.

"Okay, but did I just hear that?"


"I am a good brother to the maknaes and YOU?"

"Oh, I mean,"

"So you only love me as a brother?"

"No! You were a brother to me at first, but not now." Nayeon chuckled at how Jin looks frustrated about it. Her thumb caresses his cheeks and planted a soft kiss on it.

"I love you, Jin."

"I love you more." Then it was his turn to cup the girl's cheeks and kiss her on the lips.

Again, it was only the wind, the sea and the lighthouse that witnessed their moment together for the second time.


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