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"Yeah of course you have those

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"Yeah of course you have those. Look, I don't know if this is offensive but no offense, I-I don't,.. I don't like you."

"I know you're not taking everything seriously. Like what? You want me to date you so others can say you have the power to do so? Oh c'mon! You are better than that."

"Plus, I only date someone I like."

Chaeyoung turned off her phone. "Woah, that was so cool of you Daeil guy." She said.

They are in the rooftop and speculating about the Jin & Joohyun conversation.

"Joohyun might be embarrassed right now. The whole school is talking about this." Dahyun added.

"I don't understand. Is someone following me? How did they took that video of what happened yesterday?" Jin is kind of upset.

"SMC," Nayeon answered.

"The Social Media Club," Tzuyu said.

"The what?" Jin said confused.

Tzuyu showed him the tweet, "this is where the source of the video is," she said.

"They are the ones responsible for every news and gossips circulating around the school," Nayeon explained.

"Joohyun is out of it right since she is currently the victim?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Right." - Dahyun

"The SMC doesn't care about reputation, as long as it is something that everyone needs to know, they'll disclose it." Nayeon again explained.

"And does everyone need to know that?" Jin blurted.

"In a sense, no. But we told you, Joohyun is famous. Everyone knows her. She is like a celebrity here," Dahyun said.

Jin sighed. "I can't believe this. Do you know who is running that club?" He asked them.

"No one knows. No one even knows how they work, one day you'll just be surprised you're getting a notification in your phone." - Nayeon

Jin just sighed.

"Nayeon-ah!" Someone from the rooftop entrance called out. They look at her.

"Nayeon-ah! How are you?"

"Soo-young unnie!" Nayeon happily exclaimed and she hugged her.

Soo-young looked around,

"Hi! I know you are Nayeon's classmates and I know you guys, third year's maknaes right?" She said referring to Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu.

"Yep!" Dahyun answered.

"And you," she turned to Jin who is looking at her confusedly,

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