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The siblings got out of the car feeling sorry especially Eunwoo. Jin slowly drives off and properly parked the car then he got out too.

The siblings are looking at him shocked.

"What's with your reactions?" Jin asked them confusedly.

"No Daeil guy, are you mad?" Nayeon asked back.

"Oh! I'm sorry. Are you surprised by how I asked you to get out?" The two just stared at him.

"I'm not mad or something okay?" Jin chuckled and looked at where they are. "Look, we are in front of Starbucks. Let's go get some drinks." He offered.

The two looked around and they noticed they really are in the coffeehouses and roastery.

"Already? We were that fast?" Nayeon thought.

"Huh? No! We are heading home. Thank you for inviting." Nayeon immediately disagreed. "Let's go Eunwoo." She said and drags her brother.

"Are you going to walk home?" Jin asked.

"No, we'll wait for the--"

"Noona! The bus won't stop here. The station here is 3 kilometers away." Eunwoo stated and stopped her sister from dragging him.

Jin cackled.

"Oh, really?"

"No choice, Nayeon-ah. It's my treat let's go." Jin again offered and started to walk in.

Eunwoo on the other hand doesn't know what to do. In some ways, he knows it is very embarrassing to accept Jin's invitation, but he also knows they can't do something about it.

"Let's just go noona, we can't do anything." He said and walk inside.

Nayeon let out a big sigh. She just followed.


"I hope you liked the drinks I ordered for you," Jin said.

"Iced Pineapple Matcha Coconutmilk." Eunwoo uttered, "This is soooo good. Thank you, Daeil guy."

"Hyung. You can call me Jin hyung. Please, just for once call me by my name." Jin pleaded.

"Oh, okay Daeil-- hyung." - Eunwoo

"You too," he said referring to Nayeon.

"Sure, uhmm.. hyung? " Nayeon joked.

"Eh? Of course, you have to call me Jin." He corrected.

"I'll go to the restroom a bit. I wanna pee," Eunwoo stood up and ran off.

"He must really need to pee." Jin chuckled.

"Daeil guy, tell me what is this?" Nayeon confronted him.

"What is?" Jin asked.

"Why are doing this? Don't start spoiling my brother." She ordered.

"I also wanted to have a drink with my brother but we never did, so--"

"Stop dragging your brother here. It doesn't have something to do with Eunwoo." Nayeon stated.

Jin was surprised by the girl's statement, a bit hurt.

"I am not dragging my brother here. I think I already told you, I never felt having a brother. As much as I want to be that younger brother, I want to be a big brother to someone so he wouldn't feel the same way I do."

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