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"Are you serious?" Junmyeon asked his brother shocked.

"I am," the younger replied.

"What about the family business that we have always been planning? Are you throwing away your promise for the company?"

Jin sighed. He remembered the family deal.

(Jin was still second year and Junmyeon was in the third year)

Mr. Dong Wook asked his two sons to gather one time in his office, together with his wife Mrs. In Na.

"I called this family meeting because we'll be making an agreement. As we all know, the company is busy branching out to some places around the world. The target places are London, Ireland, Australia, and Germany. Now, after highschool graduation, I am asking you two to study college at these chosen places so at the same time, you will learn how to handle the company in the place."

"Wait honey, is this mandated to the both of them? What if they don't like it?" His wife asked.

"That's why I called them here, hon." Mr. Dong Wook looks at the two. "What can you say?"

"I'll do it. I'm choosing Australia." Jin answered immediately.

"Woah, wait, you agreed and decided that fast?" Junmyeon teased. "Fix your grades first, pabo!"

"Hey! Your mouth, Junmyeon!" Mrs. In Na scolded.

"Just saying, mom. I mean, are you even sure you'll finish high school?" Junmyeon continued to insult his brother, but Jin remained silent and just stares at the table.

"Yah, you talk a lot! Just answer." Mr. Dong Wook exclaimed.

"London seems nice. I'm choosing London." He answered.

"Okay, is this an agreement then?" Their father asked.

All of them nodded.

"Make this a promise, please keep it. This is for the company I've built with my own blood and tears. Don't disappoint me." Mr. Dong Wook concluded.

Since then, Jin promised to get good grades and so he can fly to Australia and study college there. He agreed because he thinks that it is the only thing that he can do for the family who raised him, even if he was raised in a bad environment.

Jin recalled the family deal but he has already decided.

"Don't worry about that because I'll still do it. I'll study college in Australia and I'll handle the company there. Just cut me out of the family, isn't that what you always wanted? Me to be out of the picture?" Jin told with a very serious tone.

"But how can you still say that? You want to leave the family and you still want the benefit of studying abroad and handling the company?" Junmyeon already is raising his voice because of annoyance.

"I'm leaving the family but I'm not leaving behind my promise. If you can't ask dad about my request then I'll do it myself, just don't expect me to forgive a person like you. Now, leave." Jin demanded.

Junmyeon stood up. He fixes his jacket before giving his brother a final look,

"Think about what you're asking. You can't just leave the family like that just because you already found your real family." He said then finally went out.

Junmyeon is already aware that Jin knows he is adopted.

He has also been spending a lot with Joohyun that he was always convinced by her to have a truce with Jin, which he thinks is impossible to happen.

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