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"What are you all doing here?" Jin asked.

"It's confirmed unnies," Tzuyu said.

Jin finally removed the dirt from Nayeon's hair and he faced the newly arrived people.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"They are really talking about hairstyles. Are you about to fix Nayeon's hair?"

"Huh?" Jin and Nayeon said in unison. They look at each other then look back to the three girls.

"So, you guys became friends because of hairstyles?" Chaeyoung blurted.

"Can you tell us what are you talking about here? We can't relate!" Jin exclaimed.

"You said you became friends with Nayeon because you were like talking about hairstyles right? And a while ago we caught you doing something in her hair, those are girl's stuff. So, are you gay, Daeil guy?" Dahyun explained.

Nayeon blinked multiple times.

"I remember saying Harry Styles, not hairstyles." Jin clarified, and he laughed.

Nayeon is just watching their conversation with a confused expression.

"Harry Styles who?"
"Is that a person?"
"Is he your boyfriend, Nayeon-ah?"

The three asked.

Nayeon smiled. "Oh, I wish he is." She mumbled.

"Harry Styles from One Direction. You don't know One Direction? Who doesn't know One Direction?" Jin answered.

"Oh, I know them, but I don't know the members," Dahyun said.

"One Direction? You're insecure, don't know what for ~ " Tzuyu started.

"Ah right! Baby, you light up my world like nobody else!" Chaeyoung resumed until they are singing the song and dancing to it.

"Seriously, that's the only song you know?" Jin said while looking at them in disbelief.

Nayeon just chuckled with what she's seeing.

"But, why are you guys talking about One Direction?" Dahyun stopped and asked, the two girls also halted and look at them.

"We're a fan," Nayeon answered.

"Oh okay. That made you became friends?" Chaeng asked.

"Yeah, kind of," Jin replied.

"Can we be friends with you too even if we didn't know Harry Styles?" Dahyun said to Nayeon.

Nayeon laughed. "It's not really that reason why we became friends okay? It's just that he didn't follow Joohyun's order not sit with me and I find that different and surprising." She explained.

"We tried to approach you last year, but still." Chaeyoung pouted.

"I'm sorry. It's just that I think I can't be friends with you because look at you, you are very sociable, rich, I even thought you never repeat clothes. How am I compared to you?"

"What made Seokjin different? He's rich too. His father's a tycoon." Tzuyu said.

"What?!" Nayeon looks at Jin. Jin widens his eyes too with what Tzuyu said because he never told anyone about his family background.

"Where did you get that information?" Jin asked.

"Joohyun. I don't know, but she has ways. The class already knew it. Just in case you're not aware, that information is already circulating the school." Tzuyu said.

"What the?" Jin sighed.

"Is it true?" Dahyun wants to know.

"Yes, but I am not that person who goes around bragging about it like, "Hey, my father's a tycoon." So please, I don't wanna talk about it." He firmly said. "But why Nayeon-ah? If a person is rich, you can't be friends with them?" Jin turned to Nayeon.

"Ani." She replied. "It's just that I find it uncomfortable for me."

"Yah, it's not like we're going to buy you." Dahyun said.

"C'mon. Just be friends with them so you have someone who will protect you from that Bae Joohyun." Jin convinced her.

"So you're saying you can't defend her from Joohyun?" Chaeyoung confronted Jin.

"I can, but the more defenders the better right? So Joohyun will also learn that she can't keep on asking people to obey her, you know what I mean," He said.

"But I never asked you guys to defend me. I can handle it." Nayeon opposed.

"Yah! Can you stop building a barrier? I admit I'm not the best friend someone could have but I can say it's fun and it's better if you have some people in your life to share your experience with." Jin kinda scolded her.

"Yes Daeil guy, preach!" Dahyun agreed. They all laughed.

"Okay." Nayeon approved. They all clapped.

"And stop calling me Daeil guy, I have a name okay? Kim Seokjin. Call me Jin." He ordered.

"Sure, Daeil guy!" Dahyun said.

"Yah!" Jin glared at her.


Jin is fixing his things in the locker when someone drags him.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, stop! What are you doing?" Jin called out and they stopped.

Joohyun faced him. "Daeil guy, take me out on a date." She ruled.

Jin widens his eyes. "What?!"

"Everyone is already talking about me not getting the new student here. Come on!" She said.

"Yah Bae Joohyun, not everyone can do whatever you want. What a bitch." Their classmate Hyunjin came out of nowhere and saw them. Joohyun looked at him annoyed.

"Hey Hyunjin, you stay out of here or I'll tell everyone that you have a crush on that second year Hwang Yeji and you wrote a very cheeeeesssyy letter for her." Joohyun warned.

Hyunjin is surprised. "Y-yah, don't! Aishh." He said and quickly left.

Joohyun just smirked and turn back to Jin, she is still holding his arm but Jin removed it.

"I'm not taking you to a date okay? Stop this nonsense." Jin sternly said and started to walk away but Joohyun stopped him.

"Why? I am beautiful, rich, I have a big reputation--"

"Yeah of course you have those. Look, I don't know if this is offensive but no offense, I-I don't,.. I don't like you." He confessed.

"What?!" She can't believe what the guy has said.

"I know you're not taking everything seriously. Like what? You want me to date you so others can say you have the power to do so? Oh c'mon! You are better than that." He told and started to walk away.

But he stopped and faced her again, "Plus, I only date someone I like." He smiled at her and finally walked off.


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