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"Yeeeyyy Domino's pizzaaaaaaa!" The maknaes shouted with glee.

Eunwoo on the other side put his hand on his ears because of the maknae's yell.

They are now currently in Jin's apartment.

"What will we watch?" Jin asked while looking through the wide TV screen.

"Any, as long as it is watchable," Dahyun said.

"Watchable what? Is that even a word?" Eunwoo said.

"Yah, as long as it is understood. But since you didn't understand, maybe because you're stupid--oops." - Dahyun

"Yah! What did you just say?!" Eunwoo muttered annoyed.

The others just laughed. They are used to them squabbling a lot.

"We're not here to argue with each other okay? Yah Eunwoo-ah, you sit down." Nayeon ordered.

"Paper Towns," Jin said, "Cara Delevingne and Nat Wolff, let's give this a try." He started to play.

They all sat on the couch while the pizza is right in front of them on the table.

Jin sat between Nayeon and Eunwoo. So the arrangement of the seat is Dahyun, Tzuyu, Chaeyoung, Nayeon, Jin, Eunwoo.

They have to separate Dahyun and Eunwoo with the largest distance possible because it's inevitable they'll argue.

They watch and started to eat pizzas.

"We had sex!"

They all started to feel awkward with the scene they're watching, and they chuckled.

"He doesn't need to tell his friend that they had sex though," Eunwoo commented.

"Who are you? The movie's writer?" Dahyun said while eyes are on the screen.

"Did I talk to you?" Eunwoo faced Dahyun's side.

"Hey!" Nayeon interrupted them, "can we finish the movie without arguing?"

"We can, only if we kick out the ones arguing," Tzuyu said then ate a slice of pizza.

"Right. I consider doing that since this is my apartment." Jin said, then he paused the movie.

There was an awkward silence.

"But that would be harsh if we're going to kick you out, so why don't you argue first before we'll continue?" Jin said. He has a very serious look.

No one dared to talk.

"I don't know why you guys suddenly became serious," Jin said then laughed hard, "hahahahaha, did I just pranked you?"

"YAH!" Nayeon yelled at him then pinched his side.

"Ouch! Yah, stop it!" Jin cried out.

The maknaes threw pillows at him.

"Hyung-ah! That was scary," Eunwoo admitted.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Was I that scary? You all looked afraid." He laughed.

"That's it. Even if it's your place, you're the one we're going to kick out. Ka! Get out." Nayeon ordered.

"Mianhe," he apologized, "come on, let's continue the movie," Jin said then played the movie.

They fixed sitting then focused on the movie. Eunwoo and Dahyun went silent.

"That's kinda sad. The boy thought she wants him to find her," Jin commented after finishing the movie.

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