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"Abeoji, every year we are coming here just standing in front of this mansion. I am big now, I can already understand whatever your explanation is. Why?"

"Jungkook-ah, do you think I also have the courage to go inside after years of going and just standing here?" Mr. Kim Soo Hyun asked his son instead of answering the question.

"I don't know but," Jungkook holds the strap of his bag, he just got from his school and they stopped in front of a big house across the street. "Let's go, abeoji." He is about to cross the road but his father stopped him.

"Wait! I really just want to see your brother so bad. I don't have an appointment there."

"Brother?" Jungkook's expression altered.

"Yeah. You're right that you're now a big boy and you need to know that you have a brother. A big brother."

"Jeongmal?! Abeoji! I want to meet him!" Jungkook excitedly exclaimed. All he thought, he's all alone his life because he doesn't have siblings. He doesn't care anymore if how does he suddenly have a big brother but the thought of it made him excited.

"He lives here. That's why we are coming here for years and even when you were still little I've been coming here just for the thought of I can catch even just a little glimpse of him but I always failed."

"Why does he live here, abeoji? Why is he separated from us?"

"I'll explain when we got home."

They crossed the street and contemplating if they will press the doorbell.

"Excuse me, sir?" A guard spoke out of nowhere. "Do you have an appointment here?"

"Uh, I don't have but can I speak to Kim Seokjin?"

"Seokjin? He's not here."

"Jinjja? When will he--" Mr. So Hyun didn't continue upon hearing a honk coming from a car behind.

"Kim So Hyun?" Mrs. Kim In Na from the passenger seat of the car spoke.


"Seokjin is not studying here. He has been so stubborn so we moved him to JN High School at Daegu."

Jungkook is just staring blankly listening to the conversation of his dad with the prominent couple, Mr. Kim Dong Wook and Mrs. Kim In Na. The couple invited them inside their mansion and offered them tea.

"I just wanted to see him after years. This is Jungkook by the way, his brother." Mr. So Hyun introduced.

"Yes and? Do you want him to be taken good care by us too?" Mr. Dong Wook intimidatingly asked.

Jungkook look at Mr. Wook confused upon hearing what he said.

"Ah, ani! Like I've said, I just want to see him. It's been years, Dong Wook-ssi. I know there was this trouble I caused before but I can't help myself to look for him. I'm sorry, he's still my son." Mr. So Hyun stated. Jungkook looks at his father with mercy. He saw in his eyes he's longing for someone.

"Only want to see him? Or also with the intention to get him back?" Mrs. In Na spoke asking the real father.

"No. I don't feel like I have the right to get him after years of not taking care of him. You guys raised and give him a life. I know that the only contribution I have in his whole existence is my blood, or our blood as a family." Mr. So Hyun again stated with sad eyes.

"Alright. If you wish, you can go visit him if you're point is to ask our permission. Like what I've said earlier, we moved him to JN at Daegu. He is living there alone in an apartment."

"Okay, thank you."

"Just a thing, we may allow you to see him but we don't know if he himself wants to see you. I mean, we can't guarantee you a nice conversation with him."

"I will handle it, Dong Wook-ssi." Mr. So Hyun assured.


"Abeoji, are you sure we will go see him this weekend? The family is intimidating. I suddenly felt scared about meeting him." Jungkook started just after they got out of the mansion.

"Your mom and I are longing to see him. We expect that he will really be upset maybe if we showed up but we'll take the risk, Kookie. Ah, I wonder what he looks like."

"Might be as handsome as me, abeoji. No doubt." Jungkook bragged and chuckled.

"Of course he is handsome too." His father agreed. "Aigoo. Your mom will surely freak out if she finds out I successfully reached out to the family. She will be excited to meet him too. We'll all be going to see him, Kookie. But I'm going to go ahead to see his schedule first and arrange a meeting for him maybe hereafter. I hope it goes well."

"I'm excited, abeoji but how? I mean, what happened? Can you tell me now?" Jungkook continued to wonder about the real story.

"I told you we'll talk about it when we got home. Now let's go." Mr. So Hyun patted his son's shoulder and they went off.

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