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"What are you guys doing in front of our house?" Nayeon asked the maknaes with her arms crossed.

"It's Sunday night!" Dahyun said with glee. "Let's hangout!" She added.

"No, actually Dahyun just wants to see your brother," Tzuyu spoke.

"Yah!" Dahyun exclaimed. The other two just chuckled but Nayeon has her eyebrows up.

"When did you guys get along? I remember how you hated each other." Nayeon asked Dahyun.

"Uhhm..." Dahyun stuttered but she shifted to another topic. "You know what? Rosé is coming here tonight." She said all smiles on.

"The who is coming here tonight?!" Nayeon exclaimed.

"You invited her too?" Chaeyoung asked with widening eyes.

"Yeah, kind of. I mean, she was asking me if--"

"HellloooooeRrr!" Someone from behind spoke waving her hands.

"Oh, there she is!"

There was a silence.

"So what's up?" Rosé breaking the silence.

"Uhh, yeah. Hi, Chaeyoung." Nayeon greeted awkwardly.

"Hey, I'm Chaeyoung!" Chaeyoung blurted.

"Yeah, call me Rosé because for the wrong reasons, she hates that we have the same name." Rosé chuckled.

The rest also chuckled, but awkwardly.

"So, why are you guys here again?" - Nayeon

"As I said, Dahyun wants to see Eunwoo and she just reasons out that we--"

"Yahhh, Tzuyu-ah!" Dahyun cuts off. "Don't believe her. We don't have assignments for the week so why not hang out, right?"

"Yeah, we bought pizza!" Chaeyoung lifted the pizza she's been holding.

"Yeah, I can see it." - Nayeon

"Woah, food." Rosé spoke.

"So you're telling me that we're here just to eat pizza? That is so boring. See, I'm right. She really just wanted to see..."

"Chou Tzuyu!" Dahyun exclaimed.

The two Chaeyoungs chuckled.

"Let's watch sitcoms on Netflix, isn't that fun?" - Dahyun

"Dahyun, we have a TV but we don't have Netflix." Nayeon sighed.

"See? I told you she--"

"Tzuyu-ah, do you want to talk about something?" Dahyun said looking done.

"Woah, Dahyun and Tzuyu are fighting." Chaeyoung laughed.

Tzuyu faced Dahyun.

"Yes, why don't you just tell everyone that what I'm saying is right. Where is Eunwoo, Nayeon unnie?"

"No, why don't you tell everyone that you are going out with Jungk--"


Everyone went silent because of Tzuyu's yell.

"Uhm actually, Dahyun asked me to bring my laptop so we can have Netflix. Let's just connect it to your TV." Rosé spoke first.

Nayeon burst out laughing.

"Wait, I'm sorry. I can't think of any other thing right now." Nayeon continued laughing and they all look at her. "You guys are having a love life? I never knew that."

"Nahhh, not for me." Chaeyoung raised her hand disapproving.

"Me too." Rosé second the motion. "I mean, you're the reason why I don't have a love life." She added looking at Nayeon.

That made everyone silent again, really silent that no one dared to move and just look at Rosé.

"Oh, I, uhhmm..." Rosé stuttered.

"You don't know how to filter your mouth, do you?" - Tzuyu

"Uhh, I think it's time to go inside." Nayeon invited.

--- 🐵

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