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"Tell me, what happened why are we in that position that night?" Nayeon asked Jin right away.

"Why are you asking that? Is it big deal? Is it bothering you?" Jin chuckled.

"That made things awkward, now the maknaes and even Eunwoo is teasing me."

"And what's wrong with it?"

"None. Can we just forget it like it never happened?"


"Why can't you just agree? You keep on asking."

Jin hugged her. The girl is shocked.

"Jin, i-" she tried to slowly push away but the guy won't let her. Her head is on Jin's chest and she can hear the guy's heartbeat. Jin's one hand is on her head caressing her hair, while the other is wrapped on her waist.

"A friend can hug a friend right? I just want you to realize that what happened that night is just an implication we have gotten closer and comfortable with each other. Geez, I thought you were aware and wide awake that night." He explained while still hugging the girl. Nayeon look up to meet his gaze, and Jin let go of her.

"I remember I slept just after watching This Is Us, and that's it."

"So maybe you were really dreaming that night," he said, "you were actually calling your mom and dad like a kid for about 2 and a half minute, then you hugged me and I just let you." He said.

"Really?" She thinks deep recalling something,

"The last time I did that was two years ago. Eunwoo told me because it was him whom I hugged. We were together in a couch too before," she started to say, "and that time I was very happy because it was my graduation in lower grade and Namjoon oppa gave me this," she showed him the watch she's using.

"I was so happy back then and when I fell asleep, Eunwoo said I was calling mom and dad and hugged him."

"Does it also mean that... that night you were also very happy that's why you acted like that?" Jin asked,

Nayeon went silent.

Is it?  She thought.

"Is it because of the 1D albums I gave you and the 1D movie we watched?"

Maybe. The girl thought because she've been wanting to have those and been longing to watch the movie.

"Or is it... because of me?" Jin seriously asked in a low voice.

"Ehem," someone coughed, it's Namjoon.

They both look at him, "oppa," the girl muttered.

"You both look so serious, is there a problem?" Namjoon asked walking near them.

Jin looks at Nayeon implying he doesn't know what to say.

"We were just talking something about school, oppa." She lied.

"Really?" He said not believing her, he looks at Jin, "Tell me, what is it? My sister is just too good in lying." He sarcastically said.

"We, uhm, something happened during our sleepover--"

"What?!" He grabbed Jin's collar,

"No, no, no! It's not what you think Namjoon-ssi." Jin reacted, the older guy let go of him.

Jin told him about Nayeon calling their parents but he didn't tell about the hug.

Namjoon faced Nayeon,

"You are actually like that even before, Nayeon-ah. Everytime you're happy, in that particular day, you will end up calling out mom and dad during your sleep and hug something or someone, if you can't find something near, you'll go sleepwalking and unconsciously grabbed anything you can hug. That's why I bought you a teddy bear before." Namjoon explained further.

"Is it something that should be consulted? Or something like, I'm sorry for the term, uhm, disorder?" Jin asked.

"Nah, we all have disorders. Just because it is a disorder doesn't mean it should be consulted. It is something like... you know, a unique behavior because of experience or what happened in the past."

"Then probably because of what happened to your parents," Jin concluded.

"Right. Even with that tragic incident, Nayeon calls for them to convey that she is truly happy." Namjoon remarked.

"You guys are literally like... analyzing my situation right in front me," Nayeon said.

The two chuckled.

"So, that night? What or who did you hug?" He asked his sister.

That question made her silent, she gulped.

"Uhm, a pillow," she said obviously lying.

"Oh, a pillow? Nice try," he said sarcastically, "honestly,"

"She hugged me, Namjoon-ssi," Jin admitted.

"Is that hard to say, Nayeon-ah?" He teased, the girl just pouted. "But, thank you for letting her hug you. Eunwoo actually dislikes it when she hugs him on that certain situation."

"That kid," Nayeon recalled.

"I'm sorry for getting in to your conversation, I can't help it since you both looked so serious." Namjoon said, "I'll be going." He started to walk away.

They look at Namjoon leaving, then Jin looks at her.

"Nayeon-ah," he called.


"Can I be honest?"

"Say it."

Jin stared at her, and girl waits for him to speak.

There was a sudden silence.

"What now, Jin?"

"I was actually happy that time when you hugged me," he admitted, "it is something I've always wanted when I was little but I never had it."

Nayeon looks at him not understanding what he has said,

"Typically, when we are still young, we want our parents to read books or sing for us to sleep but I was different because I never wanted those. I only wanted to be hugged because it makes me comfortable and feel secured and loved while sleeping. Too bad, even when we were little, me and my brother already had our own separated rooms. So, it's expected that I am all alone. Yaya Miese was there but she also had a daughter back then, so I just can't go and ask her to hug me to sleep." He told her his story.

"Really? Maybe just like me, that's your disorder," the girl stated.

"Right. That's why I was happy when you hugged me, that was the first time and I never expected it, though I admit I was startled by that sudden action. Komawo, Nayeon-ah." He smiled, the girl returned a smile.

"I hope, you'll find your happiness so you will always call your parents telling them that you're genuinely happy, I think with that they'll also be happy for you."

"Thanks. I also hope that there will be that someone who will always hug you to sleep so you will always feel secured and loved."

They smiled at each other.

After their conversation, they don't look at each other the same anymore. Jin sees Nayeon as someone who is a very genuine person that needs to be valued and he'll do everything to keep her happy, whilst Nayeon looks at Jin as someone who is very strong outside but a very innocent and a fragile inside that needs to be loved.


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