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Nayeon opened the door, she was greeted by his two brothers sitting on the couch and waiting for her. She just got home after spending some time with Jin in the lighthouse. She saw Eunwoo playing with his phone and Namjoon with a straight face. The two automatically look at her upon entering.

"This is so new, why do you look like you guys were waiting for me?"

"Okay, straight to the question, why did you skip class and didn't attend the rest of it after the break this day?" Eunwoo immediately asked her.

She was surprised, her brother knew.

"W-who told you?" She asked him.


She is even more surprised.

"Just when did you two became close?"

"Noona, that's not what we're trying to talk about it here. Just answer." Eunwoo stated then took a glimpse of their brother who is just beside him, with arms crossed. The girl felt scared.

"And she also told me that Daeil guy skipped class too, so there's a possibility of you to be together." The young man added.

"I, uhm, y-yeah, I was with him." She answered stuttering.

"Why?" Namjoon spoke for the first time in the conversation.

"He has some problems. I accompanied him, as a friend."

"Do you remember what he did? The way he shouted at you? The embarrassment?" Namjoon asked while looking straightly into her eyes.

"I also thought you are the hardest person we knew but when it comes to Daeil guy, you forgave him that fast," Eunwoo added.

Now the girl gets it. She knows that her brothers are still mad at Jin.

"I don't need a long time to stay mad at him. I--"

"But for Dahyun and her friends, you were cold as ice? Noona, don't make me think about what I don't wanna think!" Eunwoo blurted.

"What? The maknaes and Jin were different for some reasons! Stop judging me on how fast I forgive people!" She answered back.

"No, come on! The only reason is that you like him, right?"

Eunwoo's statement made Namjoon's expression more serious, and it also surprised the girl.

"W-what if... I do like him? What is it to you now?" She said, she thought of what's the point of still lying if eventually, they'll know about it.

Eunwoo didn't expect that and Namjoon fixed the way he sits. "What did you just say?"

"I l-like him." She repeated.

The older brother let out a sigh.

"No." He just firmly stated.

"Why not, oppa? He was the one who made me feel special, that I exist in school, that I deserved to have a friend, that I am not alone. He defended me fro--"

"Just because he did all those doesn't necessarily mean that you have to like him. Remember who he is, Nayeon. He is too far different from us. You can't like him." Namjoon stands from his seat before saying his last words.

"It's okay to be friends with him again, just stay that way. You are still too young for this." He said then left.

Eunwoo looks at her with disappointment before leaving her too. She just sighed.



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Been busy with other things I'm interested in besides writing, so sorry for slow updates ✌

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