#1 Nayeon

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It ranked #4 even when Eunwoo's not the main character 😮

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It ranked #4 even when Eunwoo's not the main character 😮


I want to thank every single one of you to those who reads and is anticipating this story (Oh, also for voting. I may not be vocal about it but I really appreciate it a lot)

The plot of this story actually is already on my mind, all the way to the end.

There are also about like 10 chapters ahead already written but maybe I'm taking it slow to publish because I have to recheck, edit and everything in every chapter.

One more thing, I never aforementioned about wrong grammars and maybe words that are being misused in this story. I never gave notice or cautioned about it because I think, it is already given that if ever we see errors in grammars and the like, it's automatic for us to correct it ourselves.

I'm still learning everything about writing, and learning is a continuous process. 😉

Thank you.


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