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"No, I'm never allowing you to move." Mr. Kim Dong Wook firmly stated, his expression remain stern while munching his food.

"Dad, please!" Junmyeon still pleaded. They are currently having their dinner.

"Since when are you interested in girls?" Mr. Kim looks up to him.

"Dad, she's the girl I've been looking for and she's the only girl I am interested in. And she's there in Jae En, they're talking bad about her because of that Kim Seokjin!"

"That's the point Junmyeon-ah! You can't move because your brother is also there!" Mrs. Kim asserted, opposing their son's idea.

"Who is that Irene anyway? How did you meet? Why are you looking for her, huh?"

Flashback: Junmyeon/Suho and Joohyun/Irene Story

3 years ago...

Junmyeon is walking in the middle of the street. Amidst the wonderful night, he wants to clear his mind.

"I just can't lose to that Lee Seungri. We're still on our first year and I'm still starting. There's no way that jerk can top the class when I exist," he muttered.

It is his first year in Daeil Foreign Language High School, the most prestigious school and there's also a new student in his class who is competent like him. He topped the first midterm and that Lee Seungri is next to him with only 1.7% difference.

That's very close. He thought. That thought alone is making him upset.

He is Kim Junmyeon, a very grade-conscious student. He wants to be praised, he want other people to know him as the smartest student in the academy. He gets what he wants. He wants to be like his father.

"I will top not only this year but also for the coming years... on my second... third... til' I graduate," he affirmed. "And I won't allow anyone coming my way," he uttered and he smirked.

He let out a deep sigh, then decided to go home. He is walking when he noticed someone is following him. He stopped and he felt that the stride from behind also halted.

He went to Mixed Martial Arts Class when he was in lower grade so if ever he is in danger, he is sure he can handle it. He turn around but he is late when a fist already landed on his face.

He coughed.

He heard some footsteps coming his way. They are wearing mask and a black cap and he can't clearly see their faces. He gathered all his strength to fight back but they were too many that he wasn't able to beat them and save himself. They got all his belongings, his watch, phone and money.

They left him and he's very weak. He can't get up, he can't even open his mouth to ask for help. He is getting breathless and he went unconscious.


"He's not yet up, the food is already getting cold," someone said.

Junmyeon is in a room he's not familiar with. He weakly opened his eyes and he look around. He saw two person looking at him.

"Oh! He woke up," the boy said.

"W-Were...a-am I?" He asked.

The girl stood up and placed a tray of food on the small table beside him.

"Eat first. You were awfully beaten up by a gang yesterday," the girl told him.

"Where w-was I... when... w-when y-you saw...me?" He asked stuttering and in a very weak manner.

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