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One fine day at Jae En High,

"Annyeong, unnie." Tzuyu shyly spoke.

The maknaes are on the rooftop when they found out about Nayeon being there. They wanted to apologize.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize I am occupying the whole table here. Wait." Nayeon stated and she fixed her things to give a space in the table.

The maknaes look at each other.

"No, unnie. We're not here to do something. We're here because of you." Chaeyoung said.

"We want to apologize," Dahyun added.

Nayeon stopped what she's doing and for a while, she faced the maknaes.

"What are you guys apologizing for?" She asked.

The three once again look at each other.

"A-about SMC," Dahyun answered.

"And? What do you want me to do?"

There was silence.

"You know what? I heard about that because Jin told me. I was expecting one of you to personally tell me about it but you just started not talking to me. I am so disappointed." Nayeon calmly stated.

"W-we just didn't know how to approach you but we're very sorry," Dahyun said.

It took about a minute before Nayeon spoke.

"Apology accepted, but can you give me some days, weeks, or even years to just be with myself? I am... hurt." She paused, "I am just so disappointed that the people whom I thought my friends are and I can trust are the ones who just hurt me."

"We understand, unnie. We're very very sorry." Dahyun said.

On the same day, Hoseok and Momo also apologize to her and it ends there. It was only them who knew about it and regardless of some of the students wondered about the sudden shutdown of the SMC, they just ignored it.

It is the last subject for the day, and for the last time, Nayeon tries to ignore his seatmate who keeps on bothering her.

"I know that your brothers are still mad at me but I'll drive you home today. I don't care if they see me." Jin spoke.

"For the last time please, can you stop? Just this last subject for this day don't talk to me." Nayeon said to him annoyed.

"I told you I won't stop. So if I say I won't then I won't." Jin sternly replied.

Nayeon didn't reply when their last teacher came in. They just had a couple of motivation from their teacher as they officially end their midterms.

"I can see on average that you all did well this semester, I hope that you'll be better on the finals. Can I expect that from this class?" Teacher Jihyo asked.

"Yes, teacher!" The class said and they were dismissed afterward.

Nayeon is heading to the bus station when someone grabbed her wrist that made her stop.

"I said what I said," Jin said looking at her. "Come on now, let's go."

The girl removed her hand from his grip.

"Jin, you're being so mischievous! What part of 'leave me alone' don't you understand?!" Nayeon exclaimed.

"What's happening here?" Someone came in.

"Chanyeol oppa!"

"Ye. Are you okay?" Chanyeol asked.

Nayeon nodded. Chanyeol's expression changed when he saw Jin.

"Is he bothering you?" He asked.


"Come. I planned to go refresh my mind today, midterms are finally done. Do you want to come with me? I know you have been stressed too, you almost took my #1 spot in the top achiever huh." Chanyeol said.

"Excuse me, sir. We are about to go home so--"

"That sounds amazing, let's go oppa." Nayeon interrupted Jin's statement.

Chanyeol smiled upon the girl's agreement and they were off. Jin is left behind feeling jealous and he sighed.

Inside the bus,

"I don't know exactly what happened on the issue with you and that guy, I asked Sooyoung but she doesn't know too. Are you two on good terms? Seeing your state a while ago with him doesn't seem to be good." Chanyeol stated.

"No, we're not good as before. He hurt me, oppa. But let's not talk about it further." Nayeon said.

"I am sorry I wasn't able to check on you, so with my sister. We have been busy with school, you know, senior students' problems."

"I understand oppa."

"So, where do you wanna go? I am thinking of going to an ice cream shop." - Chanyeol

"Sure oppa, it's fine. By the way, thank you for saving me from that Daeil guy." - Nayeon

"Yeah, no problem. Just tell me whenever he's bothering you again, I'll teach him a lesson." Chanyeol said then chuckled.

Nayeon just chuckled and she diverts her gaze outside. She wants to stay out from Jin but she felt bad for leaving him.

Jin has been bothering her, he's really being so naughty for the week. She admits it annoys her but she can see and feel his sincerity.

No, I will not allow myself to be close to you again. Especially after you said you have feelings for me, I know that I feel the same way towards you. She let her thoughts speak as if Jin can hear her.

We're different. I'm afraid of loving a person like you.



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