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Nayeon's moment of reading a book inside their house is disturbed by her younger brother's shout downstairs. She put down the book she's reading then went out of her room.

"What?" She spoke while going down the stairs.

She saw Jin lying on their couch wincing in pain.

"Jin hyung got sprained. His a-ankle..." Eunwoo said, a bit tense because he doesn't know what to do. Nayeon immediately runs to him.

Jin visited her again that day and in a while, he invited Eunwoo to play basketball.

"Yah, you should have been careful..." She lifts his foot but Jin cringed in pain.

"Ahhh!" He cried out.

"Oh sorry! Eunwoo-ah, bring me an ice pack." She ordered and her brother quickly obeyed.

"We have to elevate and rest your foot, Jin. Endure a bit." She said, she looks at him, he's sweating a lot and pain is really visible on his expression.

She slowly lifts his left foot and places it on the center table.

Eunwoo came back with the ice packs, he already prepared it ready for compression.

He hands it to his sister and Nayeon directly applied ice compression to Jin's ankle.

After the operation, Jin didn't notice he dozed off while resting, his left foot lifted and his body is slumping on the couch.

Nayeon glanced at him and he's still sweating nonstop. She took a face towel and slowly wipes his head, to his face, and to his neck. She got a closer look at the guy's facial features and her gaze went to his thick but soft lips.

"Noona, don't tell me you're planning to rape him." Eunwoo suddenly spoke that made her flinched.

Nayeon glared and threw the towel at him.

"Yah!" She shouted whispering, looking at him with disgust.

Eunwoo just laugh and went away.

She faces back the sleeping guy beside him and she just smiled.

"Such a beautiful creature." She whispered.

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